genes - 5 marks

Cards (5)

  • DRD2
    some alleles of this gene predispose someone to addiction
    responsible for D2 dop receptors in brain
  • D2A1 - variation of DRD2 linked to AB
    results > fewer D2 receptors in NA > don't experience as much pleasure from rewarding activities
    try and overcompensate by engaging more excessively to overstimulate receptors
  • D2A1 STUDY - Comings et al (96)
    48.7% smokers carry gene, compared to 25.9% of non
    50.9% of gamblers carry gene, compared to 25.9% of non
  • ADH / ALDH } genes and alcohol
    alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase
    helps body metabolise alcohol
    ADH enzyme breaks down alc > acetaldehyde } ALDH breaks that down > acetic water and acid
    certain variants - influence likelihood of alc A and consumption
    ADH1B variant > significant high risk for alcoholism - bc - no acetaldehyde build up is associated with it > drink without effects (potential to become addicted to it)
  • ADH / ALDH STUDY - Tolstrup et al (07)
    9080 men and women with ADH1B - drank more alc and had higher risk for alc, heavy drinking and everyday drinking
    presence of variant - linked with high risk for heavy drinking and alc among white population (62%) and east asian population (24%)