Coastal management

Cards (2)

  • Disadvantages of the SMP approach? 1. It can be time consuming and costly to consult with all the different stakeholders in the area. 2. Can lead to unpopular decisions of doing nothing or managed retreat that local people are against. 3. Sometimes difficult to educate and sell to local people the value of soft engineering approaches over hard engineering. 4. Protecting the area indefinitely may be technically and economically unsustainable (even if on a longer timescale than the SMP)
  • Disadvantages of the SMP approach? 1. It can be time consuming and costly to consult with all the different stakeholders in the area. 2. Can lead to unpopular decisions of doing nothing or managed retreat that local people are against. 3. Sometimes difficult to educate and sell to local people the value of soft engineering approaches over hard engineering. 4. Protecting the area indefinitely may be technically and economically unsustainable (even if on a longer timescale than the SMP)