Neurones and Synaptic Transmissons

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  • Cells that conduct electrical impulses are called neurones
  • Neurones transmit and process electrical messages through chemical and electrical signals
  • There are three types of neurone - sensory neurones, motor neurones and relay neurones
  • Sensory neurones can carry messages from the peripheral nervous system to the central nervous system
  • Sensory Neurones have long dendrites and short axons, the cell body is in the middle of the neurone
  • Identify the different neruones
    A) Relay Neurone
    B) Motor Neurone
    C) Sensory Neurone
  • Relay neurones connect the sensory neurones to the motor neurones or other neurone, they are only found within the CNS
  • Relay neurones have short dendrites and short axons
  • Motor neurones connect the CNS to the effectors, they cause our muscles to move
  • Motor neurons are connected in the CNS but their axons project into the peripheral nervous system
  • Motor NEURONES have short dendrites and long axons. The cell body is on one end, long axon in the middle and the long axon on the other end
  • Neurones communicate with each other in groups, these are called neural networks
    A) Neurotransmitter
    B) Vesicle
    C) Axon Terminal
    D) Reuptake
    E) Axon
    F) Receptor
    G) Diffusion
  • Excitatory synapses release neurotransmitters that increase the likelihood of an action potential being generated by the postsynaptic neurone
  • Presynaptic terminal contains neurotransmitters which are stored in vesicles
  • Diffusion occurs when neurotransmitters diffuse across the gap between two neurones
  • Synapse is the gap between one axon terminal/dendrite of a neurone and another axon terminal/ dendrite
  • Neurones are cells that carry information around the brain and body. They conduct electrical impulses
    A) dendrites
    B) axon
    C) myelin sheath
    D) node of ranvier
    E) axon terminal