They are huge balls of plasma, composed largely of hydrogen along with some helium
It describes the rate at which a star radiates energy. The size of the star and its surface temperature affect luminosity. The Sun has a luminosity of 400 trillion watts
Hipparchus measured the celestial locations of more than 800 stars
Astronomers express the size in terms of the radius of the sun or solar radius. Stars can be larger or smaller than the sun
Celestial Sphere
An imaginary sphere that all the stars appear to be mounted on
88 constellations
A group of stars prominent at night and it is useful referring to certain areas in the sky
Celestial Magnitude
The greater the magnitude number, the dimmer the star while the smaller the magnitude number the brighter the star
Learning Targets
1. Infer the characteristics of stars based on the characteristics of the Sun
2. Infer that the arrangement of stars in a group (constellation) does not change
3. Observe that the position of a constellation changes in the course of a night
4. Show which constellations may be observed at different times of the year using models
Color of a star ranges from red to blue depending on the surface temperature. The Sun appears yellow because it radiates its energy in the mid-range yellow region
Photospheric Temperature
The color of the star will determine the temperature of the star and the composition of the star
Constellations in the North Hemisphere
The Southern Cross
Stars of the southern hemisphere. It has 4 brilliant stars forming the shape of a cross
The Little Dipper
Smaller version of the Big Dipper
Changing Positions of Constellations
1. Rotation of Earth on its Axis
2. Revolution of Earth around the Sun
The Star of Bethlehem
Constellations in the North Hemisphere
Constellations that can be seen all year round are called circumpolar. These are Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Cassiopeia, and Cygnus
Astronomer is a scientist that studies astronomy
Greek gods and goddesses
Helios “sun god”
Can be seen in April and August
Chinese Zodiac is a classification scheme based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal and its reputed attributes to each year in a repeating 12-year cycle
Recall Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson you are able to: infer the characteristics of stars based on the characteristics of the Sun; infer that the arrangement of stars in a group (constellation) does not change; observe that the position of a constellation changes in the course of a night; and show which constellations may be observed at different times of the year using models
Constellations in the Southern Hemisphere
Southern circumpolar constellations include the Crux, Carina, and Centaurus
Astronomical Views
Theoretical or Observation
A branch of science that deals with the study of heavenly bodies like planets, stars, moon, sun, and other things outside the universe
Southern Sky Orion. A warrior that holds a sword, shield, and wearing a belt
A FALSE belief or superstition about telling people’s future by the influence of the sun, moon, and stars on people’s lives
Can be seen from March to April
The Big Dipper
Stars of the northern hemisphere. It is made up of 7 stars which are part of the Great Bear
A group of stars prominent at night and it is useful referring to certain areas in the sky
88 constellations
Fortune Telling is the practice of predicting information about a person's life
Mazzaroth is the Zodiac or the Constellations thereof