Animal Science in the Philippines
1. 16th Century: Filipinos have been domesticating carabaos, chickens, and pigs.
2. 1821 (Spanish colonial government): Formal agricultural education in the Philippines started
3. 1909: First bachelor’s degree in Agriculture in the Philippines was offered in UPLB
4. 1921: UPLB opened a livestock and poultry breeding program led by Dr. B.M. Gonzalez. Berkjala: a cross between Jalajala pig and Berkshire pig was produced after 9 generations of crossing (noted for its large size and fast growth rate). Los Baños Cantonese Chicken was also developed (noted for its superior egg production and low mortality)
5. 1939: Philamin Cattle, a three-way cross of Indian Nellore, American Hereford, and Philippine Native Cattle was produced. Note: After World War II, all these species were completely lost