Life Cycle

Cards (15)

  • What is the mode of transmission (MOT) of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    Ingestion of EMBRYONATED EGGS
  • What is the habitat of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    Small intestine
  • What is the infective stage of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    Embryonated eggs
  • What is the diagnostic stage of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    Adult worms, fertilized egg, and unfertilized egg
  • Why do UNFERTILIZED EGGS exist?
    Lack of male worms present
  • What is the definitive host of Ascaris lumbricoides?
  • What is the intermediate host of Ascaris lumbricoides?
  • How long does it take for an Ascaris lumbricoides to migrate from liver to lungs?
    14 days
  • How long does the asymptomatic stage for Ascaris lumbricoides lasts?
    9-11 weeks
  • What is the lifespan of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    1 year
  • How many eggs does a female Ascaris lumbricoides lays per day?
    200,000 eggs
  • Soil: plays a major role in the proliferation of A. lumbricoides
  • How long does it take for an embryonated egg to be fertilized in the soil?
    2-3 weeks
  • How long can they survive in moist and shaded soil?
    few months to 2 years
  • What are the 3 parasites whose mode of transmission is the ingestion of embryonated eggs?
    Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, and Enterobius vermicularis