Ascaris lumbricoides

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Cards (81)

  • Is Ascaris lumbricoides intestinal or extra-intestinal roundworm?
  • Is Ascaris lumbricoides a phasmid or an aphasmid?
  • Under which subclass of nematoda does Ascaris lumbricoides belong to?
    Subclass secernentia
  • What is the MOST COMMON intestinal nematode?
    Ascaris lumbricoides
  • What is the LARGEST intestinal nematode?
    Ascaris lumbricoides
  • Ascaris lumbricoides has 3 other names, what are these?
    giant roundworm, large intestinal roundworm, and eelworm
  • Ascaris lumbricoides is a soil-transmitted helminth.
  • Ascaris lumbricoides produces Pepsin inhibitor 3 and Phosphorylcholine
  • Pepsin inhibitor 3: prevents A. lumbricoides from being digested
  • Phosphorylcholine: prevents lymphocyte proliferation and is used for mechanical protection
  • What are the 3 forms of Ascaris lumbricoides?
    Egg, larva, adult
  • Ascaris lumbricoides occurs in what type of countries?
  • How many are infected by Ascaris lumbricoides?
    70 billion individuals
  • From the 70 billion infected with A. lumbricoides, 70% are from Asia
  • What is the old name of Ascaris lumbricoides?
  • Ascaris lumbricoides alongside with what parasites are considered as soil-transmitted helminths?
    Trichuris trichiura and hookworms
  • TRUE or FALSE: Among the Ascaris family, genus lumbricoides is the only parasitic for man?