Changing Places

Cards (25)

  • Continuity and Change within Halifax
    • Population grew from 11,000 in 1801 to around 62,000 in 1901. Driven by rural-urban migration.
    • Urban sprawl occurred, areas once used for farming were used for housing.
    • Piece Hall opened in 1779 as a trading hall, was redone in 2017 as a more luxury shopping and leisure space
    • Dean Clough Mill now used for offices such as the TNC Covea
  • Relationships and Connections in Halifax
    • People changed from being artisan craft workers to industry workers
    • In de-industrialisation, people left Halifax as industry was outsourced
    • Post-industrial regeneration of Piece Hall leading to urban resurgence
    • TNCs such as Covea and Heritage Lottery Fund which funded Piece Hall
    • M62 built in 1960
  • Meanings and Representations in Halifax
    • People in Pellon are from the Middle East and Asia, originally due to cheaper houses but then Mosques were set up and other people moved here to be close to these.
    • Suraj Uddin has a factory and helps immigrant get visas
    • Guardian nicknamed it the 'Shoreditch of the North', gives a positive sense of place but is also misleading
  • Qualitative Sources about Halifax
    • Happy Valley TV show made Halifax seem very negative and an unpleasant place to live: "This valley is home to all kinds of crap"
    • Ackley Bridge demonstrated the sense of unity between different communities, a more positive image but not always accurate
  • Quantitative Sources about Halifax
    • IMD maps, Halifax Town Ward is in the 20% most deprived places in the UK
    • Population in 1800 was 10,000, in 1900 it was 80,000 and now it's around 90,000-100,000
  • Notting Hill Pre-Industrial = Largely agriculutral, with pig farming and brick making dominant
  • Notting Hill Industrial = Rural-urban migration leads to urban sprawl in London, Notting Hill becomes a suburb of London, with large houses being built, but this leads to inequality between the northern industry areas and southern affluent areas.
  • Notting Hill Deindustrialisation = Increase in post colonial migration brings people from the Carribbean to housing such as Grenfell Tower. Pioneer gentrification including Rachmanism takes place, and immigrants were unfairly paying large sums of money to live in poor quality hosuing.
  • Notting Hill Post-Industrial = Mature gentrification occurs and there is a lack of investment in council houses leading to more inequalities. Population declines as wealthy people buy second houses and don't live there. Cultural celebrations in the carnival.
  • Relationships and Connections in Notting Hill
    • Shaped by a global flow of people and immigration from Caribbean communities.
    • Racism and resistance have also shaped experience e.g. the murder of Kelso Cochrane, the protests by the Mangrove 9 for the Mangrove restaurant
    • Increased multiculturalism and attempts to celebrate the place through the Notting Hill Carnival stated by Claudia Jones
  • Meanings and Representations in Notting Hill
    • Notting Hill carnival is the biggest street festival outside of Rio, celebrating the multiculturalism in Notting Hill and increasing diversity.
    • Global film industry has shaped Notting Hill as a media place and falsely represents it as an affluent place with a majority white community
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Sources in Notthing Hill
    • Census data, 53.9% of people in Kensington and Chelsea were born outside of the UK, overall population of 143,00
    • Notting Hill the movie makes the area seem very affluent and a white majority population.
    • Lonely Londoners by Sam Selvon "This is a lonely, miserable city." "Nobody in London does really accept you."
  • Tourist gaze = organised by business entrepreneurs and governments, consumed by the public. Occurs at sites even where large numbers of people were killed, they are marketed and managed by tourism professionals, choosing what visitors can access
  • Location = where a place is on a map
  • Locale = each place is made up of a series of locales or settings where everyday life activities take place, such as an office, a park, a home or a church. These settings affect social interactions and help to forge values, attitudes and behaviours
  • Sense of Place = the subjective and emotional attatched to place, its meaning
  • Insider perspectives = someone from within a place
  • Outside perspectives = someone from outside a place
  • Near Place = somewhere that is home to us, a place that we can feel secure in
  • Distant Place = a far away place, people often compare themselves with other in these places because they feel as they are different to them
  • Experienced Place = A place we have actively been to and have a lot of knowledge and familiarity with
  • Media Place = A place where we gain our perception from media representations, this may be wrong or misleading
  • Genius Loci = used in planning to describe the key characteristics of a place with which new developments must occur
  • Endogenous Factors = the local demographic characteristics and the physical geography of a place
  • Exogenous Factors = The relationships with other places and the ways in which these influence a specific place