Living the Christian life

Cards (36)

  • Fundamentalist
    Typically used to identify Christians who support a literal interpretation of the Bible and uphold a traditional rule-based morality
  • Alpha Course

    A course run by churches and local Christian groups which enables people to find out more about the Christian faith
  • Adultery
    A couple having sex even though one (or both) of them is married to someone else
  • Eucharist
    The ceremony commemorating the Last Supper, involving bread and wine; also called Holy Communion or Mass
  • Convert
    To change from one set of beliefs to another (e.g. the Apostle Paul converted from Judaism to Christianity)
  • Ecumenism
    A movement that tries to bring different Christian denominations closer together
  • Jesus Christ
    The Son of God, who came into the world as a human being
  • Liturgical
    A set form of worship, usually following agreed words
  • Immortal Soul

    A soul that lives on after the death of the body
  • Nativity
    The birth of someone (e.g. Jesus Christ)
  • Sacrament
    An important Christian ceremony
  • Obligation
    Something that you must do (i.e. a responsibility)
  • Pilgrim
    Someone who goes on a pilgrimage
  • Parish
    A community of local believers within a particular denomination
  • Prophecy
    A message from God in which he communicates his will
  • Mission
    Sending individuals or groups to spread the Christian message
  • Shrine
    A holy place
  • Worship
    Believers expressing love and respect for, and devotion to, God
  • Epiphany
    A moment of suddenly revealing something surprising or great
  • Holy Week

    The week before Easter
  • Anoint
    Apply oil to a person's head as a sign of holiness and God's approval
  • Intercession
    Prayers for those who are suffering
  • Denominations
    A collective term for the main groups/traditions within Christianity (e.g. Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, etc.)
  • Advent
    A coming, also used to refer to the four weeks leading up to Christmas (i.e. the coming of Jesus Christ)
  • Evangelism
    Spreading the Christian message
  • 39 Articles of Religion

    A historical record of beliefs (or doctrines) held by the Church of England
  • Non-Liturgical
    A form of worship which is not set
  • Missionary
    A person who preaches and invites people to convert to the Christian faith
  • Local Church

    A meeting place for local believers and the community of believers who gather there
  • Outreach
    An activity to provide services to people in need
  • Persecution
    The ill-treatment of an individual or group, usually on the grounds of religion or ethnic
  • Liberal
    Typically used to identify Christians who support a metaphorical interpretation of the Bible and uphold a more open and inclusive morality
  • Reconciliation
    Mends broken relationships, bringing peace and harmony between individuals or groups or countries
  • Pilgrimage
    A journey to a religious or holy place
  • Sermon
    A talk or teaching from a church leader
  • Vigil
    Staying awake at night in order to pray; also the name given to the celebration of a festival on the eve before the festival itself