Genetic Engineering

Cards (5)

  • Genetic Engineering - the deliberate modification of an organism's DNA in order to change its phenotype
  • Gene therapy is used to treat genetic diseases by replacing faulty genes with healthy ones.
  • Genetic Engineering can mean changing one base pair, deleting a section of DNA, or adding an additional copy of a gene from the same organism (gene therapy)
    It can also involve replacing a section of DNA from one organism with a desired piece of DNA from another. This process is called Recombinant DNA
  • Recombinant DNA - replacing a section of DNA from one organism with the DNA for a desired trait from another organism
    The resulting organism is transgenic
  • Recombinant DNA works by:
    1 The desired gene is "cut out" of an organisms DNA using a restriction enzyme. The restriction enzyme cuts the DNA at a specific base sequence which can result in straight-edged pieces of DNA called blunt ends however it tends to result in uneven edged pieces of DNA called sticky ends.
    2 A small piece of circular DNA (plasmid) is removed from a bacteria