globlal atmospheric circulation

Cards (20)

  • give 4 examples of types of precipitation?
    1. snow
    2. sleet
    3. freezing fog
    4. graupel
  • give 3 examples of types of clouds?
    1. stratus
    2. cirrus
    3. cumulus
  • what do SOME clouds bring?
    some clouds bring rain and some do not bring rain
  • what is air likeat the equator?
  • what does warm air at the equator do?
    Rises. this leads to low pressure , condensation, thunderclouds, daily clouds
  • what happens after the warm air at the equator has risen?
    air spreads and cools
  • what is found in between polar cell and ferrell cell?
    mid-latitude depression
  • what is found in between ferrell cell and hadley cells?
    subtropical anticyclones
  • what is found in between hadley cells and hadley cell?
  • what does ITCZ stand for?
    intertropical convergence zone
  • what pressure is found at the poles?
    Polar high pressure
  • is pressure low or high at the poles?
  • what is pressure like at the mid-latitude depressions?
  • what is pressure like at subtropical anticyclones?
  • what pressure is found at the ITCZ?
    low pressure
  • how is low pressure created at the ferrell cell?
    the air masses push upwards, creating low pressure
  • what does the cool air do at the hadley cell/ at 30 degree latitude?
    cool air sinks leading to high pressure /clear blue skies / desert conditions
  • Which way do winds ALWAYS BLOW?
    From high pressure areas to low pressure areas
  • what are winds deflected by?
    the Earth's spin
  • which direction are winds deflected by the earths spin\?
    • to their right in the Northern hemisphere
    • to their left in the Southern hemisphere
    • this is called the CORIOLIS FORCE