Christian beliefs

Cards (48)

  • Agape
    Selfless love (a key ethical teaching of Jesus Christ)
  • Environment
    The surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend
  • Conservation
    Protecting something from being damaged or destroyed (e.g. the environment)
  • Incarnation
    To take on flesh; when God became a human being as Jesus Christ
  • Eschatology
    An area of Christianity that is concerned with life after death
  • Baptism
    The Christian ceremony that welcomes a person into the Christian community
  • Creationism
    The belief that the world was created in a literal six days and that Genesis is a scientific/historical account of the beginning of the world
  • Atonement
    The action of restoring a relationship; in Christianity, Jesus' death and resurrection restores the relationship between God and human beings
  • Heaven
    Place of eternal paradise where Christians hope to spend the afterlife
  • Grace
    Undeserved love
  • Natural Evil
    Suffering caused by natural events (e.g. earthquakes)
  • Impersonal
    Not of human form
  • Definition
    • Omnibenevolence: All-good
    • Omnipotence: All-powerful
  • Reconciliation
    Restoring peace and friendship between individuals or groups
  • Salvation
    Being saved from sin and the consequences of sin; going to heaven
  • Purgatory
    A place where the souls of the dead are cleansed and prepared for heaven
  • Sacrament
    An important Christian ceremony which is an outward sign of an inward blessing
  • Vale of Soul-Making
    An environment in which human beings can develop a moral character by overcoming evil and suffering (e.g. become charitable by helping those in need)
  • Theodicy
    A proposed solution to the Problem of Evil
  • Stewardship
    Looking after something so it can be passed on to the next generation (e.g. the environment)
  • Universalism
    The belief that because of the love and mercy of God everyone will go to heaven
  • Begotten
    Born of
  • Analogy
    A comparison between two things that have similarities
  • Crucifixion
    Being nailed to a cross and left to die
  • Pentecostalism
    A Protestant movement that puts special emphasis on a direct and personal relationship with God through the Holy Spirit
  • Free Will
    Having the freedom to choose what to do
  • Holy Spirit
    The Spirit of God, which gives the power to understand worship
  • Satan
    The adversary'; one of God's angels who rebelled against the rule of God
  • Repentance
    To say sorry for, and turn away from, any wrongdoing
  • Transcendent
    Beyond time and space (a.k.a. metaphysical)
  • Liberal
    Typically used to identify Christians who support a metaphorical interpretation of the Bible and uphold a more open and inclusive morality
  • Ascension
    Going up into heaven ("The Ascension' refers to Jesus going up to Heaven)
  • Trinity
    God as one being in three persons
  • Confirmation
    The Christian ceremony that accepts a person who formally asks to become a member of the Church
  • Humanity
    All human beings
  • Sin
    Anything that prevents a relationship with God, either because the person does something they shouldn't, or neglects to do something they should
  • Fundamentalist
    Typically used to identify Christians who support a literal interpretation of the Bible and uphold a traditional rule-based morality
  • Day of Judgment
    God (as Jesus Christ) assesses a person's life and actions sending them to Heaven or Hell
  • Resurrection
    Rising from the dead
  • Moral Evil
    Suffering caused by humans (e.g. war)