
Cards (4)

  • Burger (2009) found levels of obedience almost identical to those found by Milgram half a century earlier (Milgram’s findings still appear to apply as much today as they did back in the early 60s)
  • Blass 1999: Statistical analysis of all replications of Milgram's obedience research between 1961 and 1985 revealed no difference in levels of obedience, 8/9 replications found no gender differences, and the research focused on cultural differences in obedience levels: Italy (Students - 85%), Australia (Male Students - 40%, Female Students - 16%), UK (Male Students - 50%), Jordan (Students - 62%), Spain (Students - 90+%), Austria (Population - 80%), Holland (Population - 92%)
  • Tarnow (2000): Supports agency theory and power of legitimate authority; they analysed US aircraft accidents (1978-1990) where the crew's actions were a contributing factor in the crash; they found excessive dependence on captain’s authority and expertise, their view was accepted and unchallenged, accidents occur when in a crisis people with the knowledge, follow orders from authority who don’t and of 37 crashes; 19 were due to lack of monitoring and 25% due to pilots following ground's orders despite knowledge of its a mistakes
  • Sheridian and King (1972): Adapted Milgram’s obedience experiment by using a live puppy as the ‘learner’, shocks were given by college student participants when the behaviour was not learned; all 13 female participants were more compliant with the demands made by the authority figure compared to the men, 100% obedience for females and 54% for males