Subdecks (1)

Cards (18)

  • What does REBT stand for?
    rational emotional behaviour therapy
  • give examples of common irrational beliefs?

    i must
    i should
    i can't
  • who discovered REBT?
  • what is REBT based on?
    Ellis's ABC model, but adds DE onto it
  • what does DE stand for (in terms of abcDE)?
    Dispute and effect
  • what is D?
    dispute - they have to challenge their 'should' and 'must' beliefs.
    The therapist does this and it can be CONFRONTATIONAL - they need to be BLUNT, LOGICAL, HONEST
  • what is E?
    Effect- the patient now sees the thoughts weere irrational
  • what does the therapist have to be?
  • what can REBT be?
  • what does ABCDE stand for briefly?
    • Activating event
    • Beliefs about A (irrational/rational)
    • Consequences of B
    • Dispute
    • Effect
  • what is the key in REBT?
    The argument you have with yourself when challenging the irrational thought eg is it an empirical arguemnt - have you got evidence for your irrational thoughts? is it a logical argument?