Evaluation of REBT

Cards (7)

  • briefly give 2 strengths of REBT?
    • David 2008 research to support
    • can be used in group therapy
  • give one strength of REBT?
    DAVID compared patients having drugs, CBT and REBT
  • what did DAVID find?
    that 60% of patients found success in all treatments however the highest relapse rate waas those for taking drugs
    • REBT had the most PROLONGED EFFECT
  • give one strength of REBT?
    Can be used in group therapy as other members can contribute to disputing irrational beliefs or those becoming the 'teacher' to help others can make them feel in control and independent which are attributes lacking in depressives
  • briefly state the 2 limitations of REBT?
    • Hard for irrational beliefs to be challenged
    • empathy is crucial
  • give one weakness of REBT?
    Some patients find it hard for their irrational thoughts to be challenged - this can ruin the therapist-client relationship which is key to its success
  • give one weakness of REBT?
    empathy is crucial to the success of REBT HOWEVER if the therapist can't remain detached then they will not be able to identify the irrational beliefs therefore the therapy is flawed