Cards (14)

  • Chemical change in the DNA structure.
    Gene mutation
  • Change in the whole chromosome structure or a part of it.
    Chromosome mutation
  • Involve the loss of a piece of chromosome.
  • No genes are added or lost but a change in the sequence of genes occur.
  • Happens when an extra identical piece of chromosome is added to the original strand.
  • Failure of the chromosome pairs to separate during meiosis.
  • Due to deletion of one small portion of autosome #5.
    Cat's cry syndrome "cri-du-chat"
  • Only 45 chromosome because the members of a pair of chromosome failed to separate.
    Turner's syndrome
  • An extra X chromosomes
    and are males; genetic make-up of XXY.
    Klinefelters syndrome
  • Genetic make-up of XXX. Results to nondisjunction.
    Super female
  • Genetic make-up of XYY, male and look normal, display anti social behavior.
    Jacob's syndrome
  • Have 3 chromosome #21, moon shaped face, sterile and mentally retarded.
    Down's syndrome
  • Have an extra chromosome #18, occurs 3x in every 10,000 births, severely mentally retarded.
    Edward's syndrome
  • Have an extra chromosome # 13, cleft lip and cleft palate, malformations in hands, feet and face.
    Patau's syndrome