Matters of life and death

Cards (21)

  • Abortion
    Ending a pregnancy by deliberately removing a foetus by surgical or medical means
  • Big Bang theory
    A scientific theory about the origin of the universe which suggests that the universe is expanding away from a single point, a process which started around 13.7 billion years ago
  • Commodity
    A useful or valuable thing which satisfies particular wants or needs
  • Conception
    The moment when a sperm fertilises an egg, creating an embryo that can develop into a baby
  • Environment
    The surroundings in which plants and animals live and on which they depend for life
  • Euthanasia
    The deliberate administering of life-ending medication by a third party
  • Evolution
    The process by which different species have developed from earlier forms
  • General Synod
    The national group within the Church of England that debates issues relating to Christian belief and practice
  • Hospice
    A place which provides care for people with a serious, terminal, or incurable illness
  • Natural law
    A set of moral principles based on the idea that people should choose good actions that comply with God's wishes
  • Paranormal
    Experiences which suggest that there may be a non-visible, spirit world, such as ghosts and communications through mediums
  • Pro-choice
    Holding the belief that the mother should be able to choose whether to have an abortion
  • Pro-life
    Holding the belief that the foetus has a right to life
  • Quality of life
    The value given to a life depending on how far a person can find enjoyment and pleasure from it
  • Resurrection
    Rising from the dead; also the view that after death God recreates a new body in a heavenly place
  • Sanctity of Life
    The belief that life is created by God and made holy by him
  • Situation Ethics
    Ethical decisions made according to the specific context; in any situation do the most loving action
  • Spiritualist
    Someone who believes that the spirits of dead people can communicate with living people
  • Stewardship
    Looking after something so it can be passed onto the next generation
  • Survival of the fittest
    The idea that members of a species that are best suited to an environment survive
  • Utilitarianism
    The belief that the right course of action is the one that will produce the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people