psychodyamic approach

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  • overall assumptions/key beliefs of psychodynamic?
    • emphasis on the unconscious mind
    • most behaviour stems from early childhood experiences
    • sigmund freud - most influential in this area
  • what is the role of the unconscious mind?
    • primary source of human behaviour
    • most of human mind is unconscious
  • explain the iceberg analogy?
    • top bit of iceberg - conscious, thing we are aware of eg thoughts/perceptions
    • bit that touches the water - preconscious,have little control over eg dreams
    • underwater bit - unconscious mind, part we cannot access, where our deep desires,trauma is repressed
  • structure of personality?
    • triparte 3 part structure
  • what is the EGO?
    • 18months - 3 yrs
    • operates on reality principle
    • allows us to make sensible decisions
    • mananges conflict between ID and SUPEREGO
  • what is the SUPEREGO?
    • 3 - 6yrs
    • operates on moral principle
    • conscious part
    • allows us to distinguish from right & wrong
    • initially develops from parents & then society
  • what are defence mechanisms?
    • what the ego uses unconsciously to try protect us from distress & anxiety
  • repression?
    • unconscious mechanism used by ego to keep disturbing/threatening thoughts from becoming conscious
    • thoughts that are often repressed are those that result in feelings of guilt from superego
    • no successful defence - involves forcing disturbing wishes/ideas into unconscious where they will be hidden but create anxiety
  • displacement?
    • redirection of an impulse onto powerless substitute target
    • can be an object/person
    • someone who is frustrated releases anger onto someone else
  • explain more about displacement?
    someone who is frustrated releases anger onto someone else
  • regression?
    • movement back in time when one is faced with stress
    • when we are troubled/frightened our behaviour becomes more childish/primitive
  • 5 psychosexual stages?
    1. oral
    2. anal
    3. phallic
    4. latency
    5. genital
  • explain the oral stage?
    • 0-1yrs
    • main focus of pleasure is mouth
    • fixation leads to nail biting or chain smoking
  • explain the anal stage?
    • 1-3 yrs
    • focus of pleasure is anus - going to toilet
    • anal retentive: controlling & perfectionist
    • anal expulsive: messy
  • projection?
    • involves individuals attributing their own thoughts & feelings to another person
  • explain the phallic stage?
    • 3-5 yrs
    • focus of pleasure is genital area
    • can lead to possible homosexuality if they have not identified with same sex parent
  • explain the latency stage
    • 6-11 yrs
    • repress earlier conflicts & sexual desires are dormant
    • no effect on adult behaviour
  • explain the genital stage
    • 12 yrs
    • sexual desires become conscious with onset of puberty
    • leads to difficulty with relationships
  • * practical applications ?
    • led to treatment of abnormality - psychoanalysis
    • therapy includes dream analysis
    • uncovers repressed trauma from unconscious mind
    • ecological
    • shows that memories are repressed & unconscious drives behaviour
    • helps in real world -therapy is given to people with mental health issues
  • 4 X of the psychodynamic app?
    1. unscientific & unfalsifiable
    2. retrospective data
    3. out of date
    4. psychically deterministic
  • X unscientific & unfalsifiable?
    • based on the unconscious
    • cannot be physically seen/measured/disproved as its very abstract
    • eg structure of personality is based on unconscious
    • ? internal
    • cannot be empirically tested due to its focus being on unconcious mind which is not physical
    • does not adhere to features of a science
  • X retrospective outlook?
    • childhood influences are over emphasised at the expense of adult ones
    • even if childhood experiences play part in behaviour that does not mean to say that we can ignore adult experiences that may contribute to behaviour
    • ignores experiences we have as adults that could affect behaviour
    • so other approaches that focus on present thoughts (cognitive) may be more important in explaining adult behaviour
  • X out of date
    • was created in 1900s
    • so no longer relevant
    • eg oedipus/electra complex are no longer relevant explanations of consequences fixation in psychosexual stage as they rely heavily on nuclear families
    • ingores factors such as same sex/single parent households
    • ? temporal
    • neglects modern day societal factors that may affect adult behaviour meaning no longer vaild in todays society
  • X psychically deterministic?
    • claims behaviour is pre determined by childhood experiences & not in our control
    • pro - allows us to predict & determine future behaviour
    • eg if child is fixated on oral stage of psychosexual development may group as chain smoker/nail biter
    • con - neglects individual differences & fact that we respond differently to psychosexual stages
    • ignores individual differences & concept of free will
    • suggests all behaviour is pre determined by our childhood & not down to factors such as biology/learning from role models which are falsifiable behaviours
  • what is the ID?
    • birth - 18 months
    • operates pleasure principle
    • part of unconscious
    • drives us to satisfy our selfish urges/desires
  • neurotic psyche?
    • dominant superego leads to person who is unable to experience any kind of pleasurable tendencies
    • burden of trying to live upto high moral standards of superego causes huge anxiety & guilt at not being not good enough
  • psychotic psyche?
    • dominant id leads to destructive tendencies
    • pleasure gratification at any cost
    • uninhibited behaviour - sexual behaviour
  • little hans?
    • hans desired his mother - oedipus complex
    • he feared his father would find out & castrate him
    • his superego would not allow him to fear his father
    • his young ego could not manage conflict so he displaced his fear onto horses
    • by becoming aware of conflict through psychoanalysis hans was cured