Cell Cycle Regulation & Meiosis

Cards (49)

  • Why might it be important to regulate the Cell Cycle?
    1. To respond to dynamic needs for growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues
  • Why might it be important to regulate the Cell Cycle?
    2. Ensure cell is prepared and “healthy ”enough to proceed to each next stage
  • Why might it be important to regulate theCell Cycle?
    3. Unregulated cell division can lead to tumor formation and cancer
  • The Cell Cycle is controlled at different stages by proteins that appear and disappear in a cyclical fashion
  • Cyclins: Proteins that activate enzymes called cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs)
    • Appear and disappear throughout the cell cycle
  • Active CDKs promote cell division and progression through the stages of the cell cycle
    • Are present throughout the cell cycle but only activated in presence of cyclin
  • CDK/Cyclin interactions regulate the timing and progression of cell cycle
  • Cyclin/CDK activity: progression through the cell cycle – is regulated by several checkpoints
  • If cell doesn’t pass a checkpoint, the cell cycle can be paused and/or apoptosis (cell death) can be triggered
  • 3 major checkpoints in the cell cycle:
    1. DNA damage checkpoint
    2. DNA replication checkpoint
    3. Spindle assembly checkpoin
  • DNA damage checkpoint regulation by p53
    • When DNA is damaged, p53 gets phosphorylated (activated)
  • If DNA damage is irreparable, the cell will undergo apoptosis to prevent it from producing damaged daughter cells
  • If DNA is not repaired quickly, p53 will start stimulating the over-production of the “pro- apoptosis” regulator Bax
  • Bax competes with “anti-apoptosis” protein Bcl2.
  • Normally Bax and Bcl2 are expressed at similar levels, in which case Bcl2 neutralizes Bax by forming a dimer with it
  • When p53 overexpresses Bax, Bcl2 is outcompeted and Bax/Bax dimers form, leading to apoptosis
  • Cancer: A Disease of Cell Cycle Dysregulation
    • A family of genes known as proto-oncogenes perform various functions in normal cell processes, including growth and division. They are characterized by having the potential to become cancerous if mutated
  • Cancer: A Disease of Cell Cycle Dysregulation
    • Oncogene: A mutated proto-oncogene, which can cause cancer
  • Cancer: A Disease of Cell Cycle Dysregulation
    • Tumor suppressors: Genes that encode proteins whose normal activities inhibit cell division
  • Most human cancers develop from the accumulation of multiple mutations in proto-oncogenes and/or tumor suppressor genes
  • When multiple oncogenes become overactivated, or tumor suppressors become inactivated, through mutation, cancer will likely develop
  • The gradual accumulation of mutations in multiple oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes over years can turn cancer from benign (slow moving, non-invasive) to malignant (aggressively growing and metastasizing)
    Biological situation:
    • Embryonic development
    • Wound healing/wear and tear
    • Regeneration
  • Germ cells initially undergo mitosis to make more of themselves
    Biological situation:
    Diploid germ cells undergo meiosis to form haploid gametes (sex cells)
  • Mitosis – the division of replicated genome into 2 genetically identical daughter cells
  • Mitosis
    • asexual reproduction in single-celled eukaryotes and somatic cells
  • Mitosis
    • Includes 1 round of nuclear division.
    • Produces genetical identical, diploid daughter cells
  • Meiosis – the formation of gametes(sexual reproduction in multicellular organisms)
  • Meiosis
    • Includes 2 rounds of nuclear division.
    • Produces not genetically identicall, haploid gametes (sperm and eggs)
  • Mitosis
    • Occurs in all eukaryotes
    • DNA synthesis precedes it
    • One round of cell division
    • Homologous chromosomes never pair up with each other
    • Daughter cells are diploid and genetically identical
  • Meiosis
    • Occurs in most eukaryotes
    • DNA synthesis precedes it
    • 2 rounds of cell division
    • Homologous chromosomes pair up
    • Daughter cells are haploid and genetically unique
  • Overall goal of meiosis:
    • Diploid germ cells undergo meiosis to form haploid gametes (sex cells)
  • First Meiotic division: Homologous chromosomes separate
    Second meiotic division: Sister chromatids separate (like mitosis)
  • Prophase I (Meiosis I): Homologous Chromosomes Pair and Crossover
    • Replicated chromosomes condense, homologous chromosomes find each other and pair up (synapsis). Crossing over between non-sister chromatids occurs
  • Synapsis: Homologous chromosomes (same set of genes) pair and form a bivalent
  • Crossing over: Maternal and paternal chromatids randomly swap DNA segments
  • At the end of prophase I, chromosomes are crossed over, the nuclear envelope has begun to disappear, and the meiotic spindle is forming
  • Crossing over increases genetic diversity
    • Each chromosome with recombinant non-sister chromatids is a unique mix of paternal and maternal genes.
  • Prometaphase 1 and Metaphase I: Further increases genetic diversity
    • Crossing over has occurred and the chiasmata (crossed pieces on each chromosome) are present.
    • The random orientation of homologous pairs increases genetic diversity