The exercise of power, the science of government, the making of collective decisions, the allocation of scarce resources, and the practice of deception and manipulation
Aristotle: 'Politics is "the master science"'
Harold Laswell: 'Politics is the study of "who gets what, when and how"'
Aristotle wrote the first systematic work focused on political affairs known as the "Politics" and is named the Father of Political Science
Niccolo Machiavelli: 'Known as the Father of Modern Political Science, wrote "The Prince"'
Prof. Francis Lieber: 'Wrote "Manual of Political Ethics", the first systematic treatise on political science'
Teodoro M. Kalaw is the first Filipino student of politics and defined political science in his Manual Ciencia Politica in 1918
Political science falls into the larger academic category of social sciences, which study how people interact with and relate to one another
Politics is a process aimed at preserving values and is about gaining and managing power
Society is a large group of people that interact and share a territory, governed by culture and politics
Political science is closely related to the study of history, with history depending on political science for knowledge about the political dimensions of historical events
Culture is the product of shared values among every member of a society
Political culture
The set of attitudes, beliefs, and sentiments that give order and meaning to a political process and govern behavior in the political system
Political corruption is the use of powers for illegitimate private gain, conducted by government officials or their network contacts
When corruption is embedded in political culture, it may be referred to as patrimonialism or neopatrimonialism
A government is the elected body of representatives headed by a person with the mandate to rule or govern people
Government may be of different types, such as democracy or autocracy, with most modern governments being democratic
Governance was defined as "the process of deci
The elected body of representatives headed by a person with the mandate to rule or govern people
Types of government
The process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented)
Contexts of governance
Corporate governance
International governance
National governance
Local governance
Characteristics of Good Governance
Rule of law
Consensus orientation
Effectiveness and efficiency
Philippine Constitution Art.98, Sec. 6, A free and open Party system shall be allowed to evolve according to the free choice of the people
A set of related beliefs about political theory and policy held by individuals or groups, forming the basis of how they view the world and the role of government
Political Ideology
A set of ideas and principles explaining how society should work and the proper role of government
Characteristics of Political Ideology
Ideologies have their levels end in -ism
Ideologies provide an explanation for problems and offer a futuristic vision
Ideology is action-oriented
Ideologies mobilize a large number of people
Functions of Ideologies
Ideologies address basic human psychological needs
Ideology provides believers with a sense of understanding history
Ideology is essential
Ideology is powerful
Political Ideologies
Promotes the preservation of traditional social institutions by accepting hierarchy in the social order/classes to secure stability and continuity in society
Fundamentalism is one type of conservatism where religious conservatives react to preserve their way of life
Derived from the word "liber" meaning "free men", emphasizing liberty, equality, individual welfare, civil rights, and social change within democratic political systems
Features of Liberalism
Free Market
Secular Government
Types of Liberalism
Classical Liberalism
Conservative Liberalism
Principles of Liberalism
Individualism - Civil Rights
Freedom - Freedom of Speech, Assembly, Religion etc.
Nationalism is an ideology that promotes the interest of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation’s sovereignty and self-determination
Goals of Nationalism
National Identity
Gov’t Control of National Wealth
National Interest
National Development
Socialism prefers cooperation over competition within society and adheres to social equality to minimize or abolish class division between the rich and the poor