Reinterprets libido to be about a more general motivation to enhance one's life
Less emphasis on unconscious compared to conscious/rational thought
Focus less heavily on internal life, more heavily on interpersonal life
Disagrees with emphasis on psychopathology
Alfred Adler
Emphasises unity/consistency among personality structures rather than competing elements
Views person as an indivisible entity
Makes psychoanalysis accessible
Emphasises community/social context and "social interest"
Teleology - striving towards something in the future rather than being driven by the past
Focuses on goal-directed behaviour
Biological (organ) inferiority and compensation - if someone loses an arm the other becomes stronger
Triggers need for compensation = strive for superiority/mastery/competence
Inferiority as normal for infants (helpless)
Motivated towards equalising or becoming superior
Attitude to inferiority influences behaviour
Negative world view - do battle with the world
Positive world view - participate and learn from other people
Options when facing inferiority: acknowledge and improve, or develop an inferiority complex
Inferiority complex
Constantly feeling inferior, preoccupied with denying/disguising inferiority from others
Afraid of failing, leading to avoidance of risks
May lead to overcompensation with an exaggerated sense of superiority
Theory of birth order
Idea that the order in which you are born shapes personality
Adlerian therapy
Aims to understand the unique lifestyle of the patient
Uses the therapeutic relationship to strengthen social interest (empathy for others)
Uses techniques to uncover style of life including earliest childhood memory, position in birth order, any childhood problems/medical issues, dreams (particularly recurrent), and examination of factors causing distress - current problems
Carl Jung (1875-1961) focused on the Psyche
Carl Jung's basic principles
Principle of opposites - conflict between opposing structures in the psyche creates energy
Principle of equivalence - adding to one "side" takes energy from the other opposite side
Principle of entropy - innately head towards balance
Emphasised lifespan development
Teleology - self-realisation/individuation as a goal
Collective unconscious according to Carl Jung
Contains inborn uniquely human ideas and memories
Kept in the deepest part of the unconscious
Contains basic images known as Archetypes which show up in dreams, fantasies, art, symbols across all different cultures, both ancient and modern
Archetypes in pop culture
Star Wars as the "Hero's journey"
Structure of the psyche according to Carl Jung
Persona - social mask one wears, false self learned through contact with others, may impinge on the ability to become individuated in late life
Anima/Animus - made up of humankind's experiences with women and men, focus on balance
Shadow - repressed "evil" self, may be revealed in dreams and visions, may deny this side of oneself and project onto others
The Self - the unified, cohesive, whole self, regained through a lifelong process called individuation, integrates all aspects of personality to a balanced whole
Jungian therapy
Dream analysis - collective unconscious as the basis for recurrent/common images in dreams
Word association - uncover imbalances
Art therapy - paintings from patients
4 stages in therapy: Confession - admit problems, Elucidation - uncover nature of problem, Education - understand