
Cards (12)

  • Freud was influenced by Charcot (hypnosis) and Breuer (talk therapy)
  • Levels of Awareness
    • Conscious: Tip of iceberg, Current contents of mind that you are aware of at the time, Easily accessed all the time, Can quite easily reflect on contents
    • Preconscious: Not currently in awareness, Can be brought to mind with ease, Available for access when needed
    • Unconscious: Contents actively kept out of conscious awareness, Unacceptable impulses are "repressed", Can come to awareness when intoxicated, high, stressed, dreams, Psychoanalysis aims to delve into the unconscious
  • Structure of Personality
    • The Id: Completely unconscious, Source of all cravings and libidinous impulses, Acts under the pleasure principle, Raw instinctual energy, Primary process (irrational) thinking
    • The Ego: Operates under reality principle, Negotiation between id and the outside world, Planning, thinking and organizing
    • The Superego: The moralist and idealistic, Acts in opposition to the id, Operates on "ideal principle", Accounts for social influence on behaviour
  • Energy hypothesis
    • Born with a finite amount of intrapsychic energy (libido)
    • Conflict between the three structures: intra-psychic conflict
    • Source of anxiety and mental disturbances
  • Personality Development
    Freud's psychosexual stages: Oral (0-18 months), Anal (18-36 months), Phallic (3-6 years), Latency (6 to puberty), Genital (puberty)
  • Defence mechanisms
    • Healthy way of adapting to the world and protecting the ego
    • If over-used or inflexible, can be the source of mental illness
    • One of the most influential aspects of the theory
  • Psychotherapy
    1. Root of mental health problems is unconscious material
    2. Locate fixations and conflicts
    3. Therapist is a blank slate for the client to project onto
    4. Social interactions minimised via set up of office
    5. Relaxation to minimise resistance
    6. Some techniques: Free association, Analysis of dreams, Hypnosis, Analysis of transference/countertransference
  • Importance of Childhood
    • Key developmental stage
    • Physical and psychological outcomes
    • Necessary to work back to this point in therapy
    • Childhood trauma
    • Attachment styles (Bowlby)
    • Mentalisation (Fonagy, 2000)
  • Subliminal messaging
    • The registration of sensory input without conscious awareness
    • Controversy began in 1957 when hidden messages such as “Eat Popcorn” were placed in films
    • Claim that popcorn sales increased 58% and there was a public outcry
  • Experimental paradigms
    • Designed to examine whether our attention can be distracted
    • Implicit association test (IAT)
    • Stroop colour naming task
  • Stroop colour naming task
    • Slower colour naming of words in the list indicates that the word itself is subconsciously distracting the person from naming the colour
    • People with eating disorders consistently slower to name the colour of food and body shape related words than regular controls (Ben-Tovim, et al., 1989; Lee & Sharfran, 2004)
  • Important contributions of Freud
    • Childhood as important
    • Subliminal messaging
    • Defence mechanisms
    • Psychotherapeutic approaches continue to be used and researched