Electrical impulsespasses along the relay neurone in the spinalcord and the message sent to the brain for interpretation.
Then the electrical impulses sentalongmotorneurone towards effector.
Effector contracts to removehandfrom the fire
What is a synapse?
a junction between two neurons
Synapse Structure?
-presence of vesicles containing neurotransmitter molecules
-synaptic gap
-receptor proteins
Importance of synapse?
-ensure impulses travels in one direction only.
-the neurotransmitters release from one side of the neurone (axon of a neurone) and the receptors protein are located on the dendrites of the next neurone.
What happens in the synapse?
Nerve impulses arrives at the synapse
Chemical messenger is released into the synaptic gap
Neurotransmitter binds with a receptor protein on the membrane of the post-synaptic neuron