A nursing study of atheists’ preferences for nursing care found that respondents wanted to be respected for their nonbelief and not have clinicians refer to God or offer prayer
Intuitive, interpersonal, altruistic, integrative, contingent on the nurse’s awareness of the transcendent dimension of life, and reflects the client’s reality
A normal part of spiritual development for teens and young adults involves evaluating the beliefs and religiosity of authority figures to form beliefs and practices that are meaningful for them
Observing and using the client’s language for spirituality and exhibiting sensitivity and respect helpsnursesconversetherapeuticallywithclientsto provide spiritualcare
Solemn religious observances and feast days throughout the year may be referred to as holy days and may include fasting or special foods, reflection, rituals, and prayer
Examples include Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur (Jewish), Good Friday, Christmas (Christian), Buddha’sbirthday (Buddhists), Mahashivarathri (Hindu), and Ramadan (Islam)