Nuclear arms and space races , 1945-1969

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  • It happened from 1945 , begining of the cold war until 1969
  • 1945 : USA test and drops the first atomic bombs (bomb A)
  • 1949 : the USSR test A bomb
  • 1952 : USA test its first hydrogen bomb ( H bomb)
  • 1953 : The USSR test its first H bomb
  • 1957 : USSR tests an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) capable of carrying an H bomb from the USSR to the USA
  • 1957 : The USSR put the space satelite , Sputnik , into orbit
  • 1957 : The USSr put dog , Laika into space in Sputnik II
  • 1958 : The USA places Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBMs)targetted on the USSR in NATO countries . Both sides are now capable of direct attack on each other cities
  • 1958 : The USA launches its own satelite , Explorer 1
  • 1958 : The USA set up National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( NASA ) to run civillian space programme
  • 1960 : The Usa launches first nuclear-powered submarien capable of firing Polaris missile with atomic warhead from underwater
  • 1961 : The USSR put the first human , Yuri Gagarin , into space
  • 1962 : The USA put first american into space , John Glenn
  • 1969 : The USA land the first human on the moon from Apollo II space craft . Neil Amstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon