Regulation of the Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex
1. The cyclic AMP-independent protein kinase phosphorylates and inhibits E1 whereas phosphoprotein phosphatase activates E1
2. The kinase is allosterically activated by ATP, acetyl CoA, and NADH, turning off the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
3. Acetyl CoA and NADH also allosterically inhibit the dephosphorylated (active) form of E1
4. Protein kinase is allosterically inactivated by NAD+ and coenzyme A, turning on pyruvate dehydrogenase
5. Pyruvate is also a potent inhibitor of protein kinase, maximally activating E1
6. Calcium is a strong activator of protein phosphatase, stimulating E activity, particularly important in skeletal muscle