No tribes in the Philippines because tribes are patriarchal
One noticeable difference among indigenous people is their language
ILO Convention No. 169: Objective criteria for identification
1. Descent from populations which inhabited the country or region at the time of conquest, colonization or establishment of state boundaries
2. Irrespective of their legal status retain some or all of their own social, economic, cultural and political institutions
3. Self-identification shall be regarded as a fundamental criterion for determining the groups
Out group
Group not belonging to the main group
In group
Groups within the main group
Each indigenous person has an ancestral domain
Highland + Lowland
Tribal group in Africa
Indigenous World View
Ecocentric: human is part of nature
Abstract: unconditional view
Communal: land
Community centered: group ownership is everyone's
Cyclical: everything is relative and has a certain pattern
Culture - No human society can exist and develop without its culture
Geographic determinism dictates the surroundings
Types of Culture
Material Culture: material and physical objects
Non-material Culture: non-material objects
Real Culture- observable by outgroup
Ideal Culture- Alam ng ingroup, not seen ng outgroup
Edward B. Tylor: '“Culture is the complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs and habits and any capabilities acquired by man as a member of society”'
RobertRedfield: '“Culture is social heredity”'
JohnBeattee: '“Culture is the way of life which is transmitted from generation to generation”'
Linton: 'Culture is social heredity'
John Beattee: 'Culture is the way of life which is transmitted from generation to generation'
Types of Culture
Material Culture - material and physical objects
Non-material Culture - non-material objects
Real Culture - can be observed in our social life
Ideal Culture - a pattern to the people
Real Culture
Can be observed in our social life. We act upon in our daily life is real culture
Ideal Culture
A pattern to the people. It is the goal of society and never achieved fully because some parts remain out of practice
Characteristics of Culture
Culture is learned
Culture is socially transmitted through language
Culture is shared
Culture is transmitted
Culture is changing
Culture is learned
It is acquired through education, training, and experience
Culture is socially transmitted through language
It is transmitted from one generation to another through the medium of language, verbal or non-verbal through gestures or signs, orally or in writing
Culture is shared
All the traits, attitudes, ideas, knowledge, and material objects are shared by members of society
Culture is transmitted
All the culture traits and objects are transmitted among the members of society continually
Culture is changing
It constantly undergoes change and adapts itself to the environments
Components of Culture
Guidelines people are supposed to follow in their relationship with one another
Indicate what people should or should not do in specific situations
Indicate the standard of propriety, morality, legality, and ethics of a society
Indicate how a person should behave when there are people around
Everyday habits, customs, traditions, and conventions people obey
Special customs with moral and ethical significance
Formalized norms enacted by people vested with legitimate authority
Non-material aspects of culture embodying man's conception of his physical, social, and cultural world
A person's conviction about a certain idea
Three kind of norms differ based on sanction, negative or positive
Non-material aspects of culture embodying man's conception of his physical, social, and cultural world
A person's conviction about a certain idea
Abstract concepts of what is important and worthwhile, general ideas shared by individuals about what is good or bad