Chapter 5

Cards (96)

  • How do neurons communicate?
    through synapses
  • Neuron A = presynaptic
    Neuron B = postsynaptic
  • What is the synapse?
    space between 2 neurons
  • Neuron communication- image
    1. synaptic cleft 2. vessicles 3. reuptake pump 4. neurotransmitter 5. receptor
  • What was Loewi's experiment?
    wanted to make sure that hearts couldn't communicate electrically (so: physically separated them)
    discovery: stimulating vagus nerve slowed down heartbeat from left AND right heart
    conclusion: transmission of information between neurons happens chemically
  • What are neurotransmitters?
    Chemical messengers that transmit signals between neurons in the brain and nervous system
    !! only chemical substance!!
  • What is the presynaptic terminal button?

    Endpoint of axon
  • Where is the synaptic cleft located?
    between pre- & postsynaptic membrane
  • What do synapses consist of?
    • presynaptic terminal button
    • synaptic cleft
    • postsynaptic membrane
  • Neurochemical synapse components:
    • Action potential (generated by presynaptic neuron) leads to exocytosis of a neurotransmitter from presynaptic terminal button into synaptic cleft
    • neurotransmitter binds to postsynaptic membrane & causes change in resting potential of postsynaptic neuron (EPSP or IPSP)
  • What is exocytosis?
    = form of active transport; cell transports molecules (e.g., neurotransmitters and proteins) out of the cell
  • Neurochemical synapse components- image
    1. postsynaptic membrane 2. synaptic cleft 3. presynaptic membrane 4. synaptic vessicles 5. postsynaptic receptor
  • What are the 4 steps of synaptic transmission?
    1. Synthesis & packaging
    2. Release
    3. Receptor action at postsynaptic membrane
    4. Inactivation
  • What are & where do the first steps synthesos & packaging happen in the synaptic transmission?
    • cell body (DNA, mRNA)
    • axon terminal (precursor chemicals derived from food)
    • building blocks of transmitter substance -> imported into the terminal
    • in terminal: neurontransmitter is synthesized & packaged into vessicles
  • What are vessicles?
    packages of neurotransmitters
  • What happens during the 'release' in the synaptic transmission?
    • Calcium influx triggered by action potential
    • release into synaptic cleft (exocytosis)
  • What happens during 'receptor action at postsynaptic membrane' in a synaptic transmission?
    • depolarization (excitation)
    • hyperpolarization (inhibition)
    • modulation (inhibit or excite otehr chemical reactions)
    • so: transmitter crosses synaptic cleft & binds to receptor
  • What happens during 'inactivation' in a synaptic transmission?
    transmitter is either taken back into terminal OR inactivated in synaptic cleft
    • diffusion away from synaptic cleft
    • degradation by enzymes
    • reuptake in presynaptic cell
    • uptake by glial cells (astrocytes) -> glial cells eat up all of abandoned neurotransmitters
  • synaptic transmission (lecture explanation)
    first: need neurotransmitters
    2 options of getting them (synthesis):
    1. from proteins 2. from substance in a fluid (e.g. from food)
    release: calcium necessary to get vessicles to fuse (= release their neurotransmitters)
    Inactivation: necessary to make process temporary (bc too much activation/ inhibition isn't good)
    degradation: enzymes actively eat neurotransmitters
  • What is degradation?
    enzymes actively eat neurotransmitters
  • synaptic transmission - image
  • What is a Quantum?
    = contents of 1 synaptic vessicle (so: limit of vessicle)
  • What does the amount of neurotransmitter being released depend on?
    • amount of Calcium entering axon terminal
    • number of vesicles docked at the membrane
  • Is one Quantum enough to induce action potential at postsynaptic cell?
    NO, many quanta needed
  • Neurotransmitter release - image
  • Neurotransmitter release
  • Variety of synapses
    all components can be connected with each other
  • What is the connection for an axo-dendritic synapse?
    from axon to dendrite
  • What is the connection for an axo-somatic synapse?
    from axon to cell body
  • Varieties of synapses- focus on red boxes
  • Excitatory & inhibitory synapses- Where does excitation take place?
    at dendrites
  • Excitatory and inhibitory synapses- Where does inhibition take place?
    at the cell body
  • What are characteristics of excitatory synapses?
    • at dendrites
    • round vesicles
    • high density (both pre- & postsynaptical)
    • wide synaptic cleft
    • large active zone
  • What are characteristics of inhibitory synapses?
    • at cell body
    • flat vessicles
    • low density (both pre- & postsynaptical)
    • narrow synaptic cleft
    • small active zone
  • Do neurotransmitters themselves determine excitation or inhibition?
    No, but the receptors do
  • Excitatory and inhibitory synapses- Which image belongs to what type?
    Excitatory synapse (TYPE I): Image 1 Inhibitory synapse (TYPE II): Image 2
  • What are the 4 'classical' criteria to determine whether a chemical substance is a neurotransmitter?
    1. Synthesized or present in the neuron
    2. When released, must produce response in target cell
    3. Experimental placement must result in same response
    4. Mechanism of removal must exist
  • What are putative neurotransmitters?
    substances that do not (yet) fulfill the 4 classical criteria for neurotransmitters
  • Neurotransmitters-image
  • What does the 'classical' neurotransmitter do?
    Causes a potential difference at the postsynaptic membrane (EPSP, IPSP)