Energy resources

Cards (10)

  • Energy resources are energy deposits found on earth and beyond. They are categorized into two:
    1. Renewable energy resources
    2. Non-renewable energy resources
  • Renewable energy resources
    These are resources that can be effectively replaced use. They don't become limited with use hence do get exhausted.
    These resources are:
    • Solar
    • Hydroelectric
    • Wind
    • Wave
    • Tidal
    • Geothermal
    • Biomass
  • Non renewable resources
    These are resources that cannot be effectively replaced after use. They become limited hence get exhausted.
    These are:
    • Nuclear energy
    • Fossil fuels
  • Solar energy: The energy from the Sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy.
    • It will not get exhausted
    • It doesn't produce carbon dioxide, a gas that causes global warming.
    • It doesn't produce sulphur dioxide that cause acid rain
    • Not available at night
  • Hydroelectric energy
    Energy that uses the natural flow of water to generate electricity. It is a renewable resource from the fast that the water cycle is powered by the Sun wont get over.


    A. Renewable resources
    B. Doesnt produce carbon dioxide
    C. Doesnt produce sulphur dioxide


    A. Water flood behind the dam
    B. In case of prolonged drought it becomes useless
  • Wind is caused by the uneven heating of 2 adjaecent parts of the surface of the Earth. In the region that is heated more, air expands, becomes less dense and raises.


    A. renewable resource
    B. doesnt produce carbon dioxide
    C. doesnt produce sulphur dioxide


    A. weather dependant
    B. visual pollution
    C. turbines kill birds
  • Fossil fuels: these are coal, oil and natural gas. Oil & natural gas can run the generator directly.


    A. very high density
    B. not weather dependant
    C. portable


    A. non-renewable resource
    B. produces carbon dioxide
    C. produces sulphur dioxide
  • Geothermal resources is energy from below the earth's crust. Water that seeps down is heated and comes out as steam.


    A. Renewable energy resource
    B. doesnt produce carbon dioxide
    C. not weather dependant


    A. produces sulphur dioxide
  • Biomass refers to plant and animal waste. Cow dung can be used to make biofuel to run the generator engine directly.


    A. renewable resources
    B. not renewable resources
    C. no production of sulphur dioxide


    A. produces carbon dioxide
    B. prolonged drought makes it useless
    C. cutting down trees causes deforestation
  • Nuclear power stations use nuclear reactions to heat up water which turns turbines to generate electricity.