Mechanisms of GI absorption drug interactions - Drug binding in the GI Tract:
Drugs with .................... adsorb other drugs onto ................ e.g., ............... and .................
Drugs capable of forming insoluble complexes or chelates with other drugs include ..............., ................ and ............... collectively known as ............, ................. and ............... (................), ................ such as ............... e.g., ............, ............. and .............., .............. and ..................
Interactions are avoided by ..................
large surface areas; their surfaces; activated charcoal; antacids.
methyldopa; tetracycline; levodopa; iron salts; antacids; sucralfate; quinolones; binding resins; cholestyramine; thyroxine; thiazides; warfarin; phenytoin; enteral feeds.
give drug >2 hours before binding agent.