Each breast is a rounded eminence lying within the superficial fascia, anterior to the upper thorax and spreading laterally to a variable extent, Position of the breast: Vertically from the 2nd /3rd rib to the 6th/7th rib, Transversely from the sternal edge(intermammary cleft) almost to the mid-axillary line, The supero-lateral quadrant is prolonged towards the axilla along the infero-lateral edge of the pectoralis major, and may extend through the deep fascia up to the apex of the axilla, 2/3 of the breast lies upon the deep pectoral fascia of the pectoralis major and 1/3 over the fascia of the seratus anterior, Retromammary space (Loose CT) allows for freedom of movement of breast, Firmly attaches to dermis by suspensory ligaments of Cooper (Retinaculae Cutis), Associated muscles: Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, Serratus anterior, The nipple projects centrally from the anterior aspect at the level of T4, The areola is a darkened area of skin, which encircles the base of the nipple, No adipose tissue is found immediately below the skin of the areola and papilla, however, there is a fair amount of fat deep to the skin, Made up of: Mammary gland (modified sweat gland), Fibrous connective tissue (stroma) surrounding the glandular tissue, Interlobular adipose tissue, Mammary gland consists of ± 15 to 20 lobules, each with its own lactiferous sinus and lactiferous ducts that open onto the nipple, Lobules are surrounded by connective tissue septa which condense and join to the skin and fascia, which are called retina culae cutis or Cooper's ligaments, Fat tissue fills the spaces between the septa, Areola contains sebaceous glands (Called Montgomery's tubercles), Superolateral quadrant extends upward and laterally to level of 3rd rib in axilla and is known as Tail of Spence (Found in deep fascia), Nipples have no fat, hair or sweat glands