
Subdecks (1)

Cards (15)

  • Posters were created by the MoI to:
    • Encourage support for the war
    • Convince people to act in a particular way
    • Appeal to patriotism
    • To educate about the war
  • MoI told people what they could/couldn't do. He published large numbers of pamphlets, books, short info films and newsreel to maintain morale
  • Dr Carrot encouraged people to make curried carrot, jam and Carrolade (made from juices of carrots and swede). The potato was similar with a character called Potato Pete who had his own song that was played on the radio
  • 'Dig for Victory' was set up by GB M of Agriculture
  • Many people in towns kept hens and rabbits
  • A government scheme led by Lord Beaverbrook
  • This covered some of the cost of building the Spitfires which were essential in the Battle of Britain
  • Nazim of Hyderabad (Indian Prince) donated so much money that 152 Spitfires were named in his honour