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  • Evidence Based Practice - the aim is to provide the best intervention or action that has been proven to be effective.
  • Information Science/Informatics/Computing - the study of computational systems for storing and retrieving information, especially scientific or technical information
  • Karl Steinbuch - is deemed one of the founders of informatics. He was a German computer scientist, cyberneticist, and electrical engineer. He was an early and influential researcher of German computer science and was the developer of the Lernmatrix, an early implementation of artificial neural networks. Steinbuch also wrote about the societal implications of modern media.
  • Information System - is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, store data, distribute information to support decision-making, and provide a feedback mechanism to monitor performance.
  • Hardware - consists of input/output device, processor, operating system and media devices
  • Software - consists of various programs and procedures
  • Database - consists of data organized in the required structure
  • Database - consists of data organized in the required structure
  • People - consist of device operators, network administrators, and system specialist
  • 1957 - First coined by Karl Steinbuch as "informatiks"
  • 1962 - Phillipe Dreyfus used "informatique”
  • Water bauer - translated it into "informatics"
  • Combined the terms "information" and "automation" which means automatic information procession.
  • Informatics ● A Science that combines a domain science, computer science, information science and cognitive science ● Multi-disciplinary science drawing from varied theories and knowledge applications. ● A broad academic field encompassing human-computer interaction, information science, algorithms and social science.
  • Computer science, the study of complex systems, information and computation using applied mathematics, electrical engineering and software engineering techniques.
  • Information science - is the study of the processing, management, and retrieval of information
  • Nursing Informatics - the use of information technologies in rélation to any nursing functions and actions of nurses (Hannah, 1985). - is a combination of computer science, information science, and nursing science designed to assist in the management and processing of nursing data, information, and knowledge to support the practice of nursing and the delivery of nursing care (Graves & Corcoran, 1989).
  • Nursing Informaticist - In early 1992, ANA recognized nursing informatics as a specialty in nursing with a distinct body of knowledge. Unique among the healthcare professions, this designation as a specialty provided official recognition that nursing informatics is indeed a part of nursing and that it has a distinct scope of practice.
  • Nursing Informatics - The core phenomena of nursing are the nurse, person, health, and environment. Nursing informatics focuses on the information of nursing needed to address these core phenomena. Within this focus are the meta-structures or overarching concepts of nursing informatics: data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. It is this special focus on the information of nursing that differentiates nursing informatics from other nursing specialties
  • Information is POWER
  • HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) - is a global advisor, thought leader, and member-based society committed to reforming the global health ecosystem through the power of information and technology.
  • TIGER is the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform Initiative, and it was designed to address skills that all nurses will need in the 21st century. All nurses are going to have to be at least competent in informatics, from basic computer skills to advanced-level information technology and literacy expertise.
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) - is a federal law that requires the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge.
  • Nursing Informatics Scope of Practice As noted by McGonigle and Mastrian (2015), NI roles include those of project manager, consultant, educator, researcher, product developer, decision support/outcomes manager, advocate/policy developer, clinical analyst/system specialist, and entrepreneur
  • Ethical Application of Informatics Privacy & Confidentiality - The nurse has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all patient information, both personal and clinical, in the work setting and off duty in all venues, including social media or any other means of communication
  • Autonomy - refers to the individuals" freedom from controlling interferences by others and from personal limitations that prevent meaningful choices, such as adequate understanding.
  • Non-Maleficence - asserts an obligation not to inflict harm intentionally and forms the framework for the standard of due care to be met by any professional.
  • Beneficence - refers to actions performed that contribute to the welfare of others.
  • Justice - refers to fair; equitable, and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to a person.
  • Chaos Theory - concerned with unpredictable courses of events. The irregular and unpredictable time evolution of many nonlinear and complex linear systems - back to the past story (butterfly effects)
  • INFORMATICS THEORY 1. Chaos theory 2. Cognitive science 3. Computer science 4. Lewin's Change Management Theory/Lewin's force field analysis 5. Rogers Change Theory: Diffusion of Innovation 6. General Systems Theory
  • Cognitive Science - Understanding through assimilation of experiences improves memory and the ability to gain knowledge from and information system such as using a smart phone and computers; is part of social informatics and artificial intelligence. - (venn diagram)
  • Computer Science - The informatics nurse would use technology and informatics to apply algorithms to analyze the steps in a problem, thus gaining knowledge, then build automation to solve problems. A computer is a tool of this science, not its focus. Computer Science research has often crossed into other disciplines, such as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computational complexity theory, programming language theory, physics, information science and linguistics.
  • Artificial Intelligence - is the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks thát normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
  • Components of Artificial Intelligence a. learning b. reasoning c. problem-solving d. perception e. language-understanding
  • Lewin's Change Management Theory/Lewin's force field analysis - When applied to a situation, improves chances of success with an EHR implementation or other projects when expectations are adapted and shared with all. For the informatics nurse as the change leader, it is important to understand there is initial resistance; review the three stages: unfreezing, moving, and refreezing. Force Field Analysis is the process of reviewing barriers to change.
  • Rogers Change Theory: Diffusion of innovation E.M. Rogers, 1962 - People go through stages when deciding to adopt an innovation such as an EHR or other changes; the people are innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. For the informatics nurse as the leader, this is important to understand as there is initial resistance and stages to adoption.
  • General Systems Theory Ludwig von Bertanffy (1901-1972) - Provides insight into the complexity of an information system by breaking things down into smaller parts to better understand a process to see how one might affect the other. For N.I, documenting a patient care note requires understanding where the note goes so everyone can see it is important
  • Clinical Information System Model - shows how modelling can be used to organize different concepts into a logical whole. The purpose of this model is to depict system components, influencing factors, and relationships that need to be considered when attempting to capture the complexities of professional nursing practice.
  • Nursing Informatics models is composed of 5 general models. 1. Graves and Corcoran's model. 2. Schiwirian model. 3. Turley's model 4. Data Information Knowledge (D-I-K) model 5. Benner's Novice to Expert model.