Chapter 1: Change

Cards (26)

  • What is change in a business?
    Change is an ongoing process that businesses can't avoid. However, it is done to increase competitiveness and to improve production operations and working environment.
  • Causes of change in the business
    • Development in technology
    • Market change (new competition, globalisation)
    • Consumer tastes (more environmentally friendly products)
    • Legislation (taxation on pollution, government)
    • Change in the workforce (age and makeup of the workforce)
    • Changes in the economy (inflation< the trade cycle)
  • Internal causes of change in the business
    • Changes in management style
    • Business ownership (takeover, new ethos)
    • Change in business size (bigger product range, new technologies, distribution channels)
    • Introduction of new technology
  • External causes of change in the business
    • Introduction of new technology
    • labour market
    • Changes in the economic factor
    • Competition
    • Change in consumer tastes
    • New legislation
  • What is rapid change?
    Rapid change is when the business alters its operation in a short period of time
  • What is an incremental change?
    Incremental change is when the business alters its operation year after year. It allows the business to slowly adapt to the new changes.
  • What is a planned change?
    A change that is planned and controlled by the business> This is done to reduce risks and profit from any benefits.
  • What is an unplanned change?
    An unplanned change occurs randomly without any intentions on the part of managers or employees of addressing a problem.
  • What is a strategic drift?

    Occurs when a business fails to adapt to changing market conditions
  • Effects of change on a business
    • Change in production (require new production technique)
    • Shorter product life cycles (change of consumer tastes)
    • Diminishes brand loyalty (increased marketing costs)
    • New products needs to be developed (to meet customer needs)
    • Retain the workforce (needs new skills)
    • Look for new market
    • Meet new legal equipment
  • What is negotiated total package? 

    When management and workers negotiate on how a major change in the way the business functions will be implemented.
    • Its is a planned change and is agreed between both management and workers
    • It is the effective method
    • It requires lots of preparation and expenditure
    • Can't be done in a competitive and difficult business environment
  • What is a negotiated piecemeal initiatives?
    When management and workers will consult and agree on various changes as they become necessary (new shift patterns, productivity agreement).
    • It is easier to implement than total package of change
    Can be difficult because of the lack of a complete system change
  • What is an imposed piecemeal initiatives?
    When managers plan and implement changes such as a move of flextime or development of quality circles in order to solve particular problems.
    • Saves time and the structure of change is with management
    • Imposition of change can be met with resistance from workers
  • What is imposed total package?
    Introduce a major change all at once without consultation with workers.
    • It is used as a last resort
    • Changes are likely to be resisted by middle management and workers
  • Importance of managing change effectively
    • To maintain competitiveness
    • Increase productivity
    • Improve financial performance
    • Manage stakeholders
    • Reduce the time needed to implement change
    • manage and control the costs incurred with change
  • How to evaluate management of change?
    • delivery times
    • production defects
    • customer satisfaction survey
    • market share
    • sales turnover
    • profitability
  • Employee preparation
    Consultation and communication with employees is essential as it prepares them for change. They may need to carry out new tasks effectively
  • Increased research and development (R & D) 
    Increased expenditure on research and development is used both in preparation for change, and as a reaction to change.
  • Additional capital investment
     If a business does not have access to sufficient finance, it is very unlikely that it will be able to implement effective change.
  • Reasons why change is resisted
    • Self interest - caused from threat to job security or suppliers fearing for future orders
    • Misinformation and misunderstanding - stakeholders may not understand why change is needed as well as the strategy of the business
    • Low tolerance and inertia - many people suffer from reluctance to change. many seek for security, predictability and stability in their work
    • Different assessment of the situation _ there can be disagreements about what change is needed
  • Manager resistance
    Could result to a lack of experience or expertise. A fear of new markets and conditions could also lead to a lack of leadership skills to manage the change effectively.
  • Worker resistance
    Worker may want to preserve the existing routines to avoid threat to security and status. The threat of a change in a job role may result in demotion and threat to main group membership.
  • Supplier resistance
    The fear of increased cost, distruption to their established processes, or uncertainty about the benefits of the new direction the business proposes
  • Shareholder/ owner resistance 

    The fear of operating in a new market and that it will be costly and damaging to dividends
  • Lack of finance
    The business may not have the capital to fund the changes that are needed (E.g research and development, product development, capital equipment).
  • Lewin's three step process of change
    • Unfreezing - Creates a motivation for change and that employees have to show that change is necessary
    • Change or transition - Most difficult stage as they need to about the changes and allow employees to develop their own solutions. Support is also given in the form of training, education,etc.
    • Refreezing - Establishes stability once changes are made. Employees must not be forced into continual change but allowed time to adapt