Resistance to Social Change

Cards (24)

  • What is Social support?
    A person believes that they ahve support from others.
  • How is conformity influenced by social support?
    Unaminitiy allows the participant to dissent and not conform
  • How is obedience influenced by social support?
    Seeing others being disobedient enourages others.
  • How does Allen and Levine support social support for conformity?
    Recreated Asch's study where each group had 1 dissenter who mentions eye issues. But participants still resisted conforming.
  • How does Milgram's varation support social support for obedience?
    Obedience fell to 10% with disobedient role models.
  • What is internal locus of control (social support)?

    People have free will to make independent decisions.
  • Whta is external locus of control (social support)?
    Luck and fate influence a persons decisions.
  • What locus of control did Asch and Milgram effect more?
    People with external locus of control.
  • How does Shute support Locus of control?
    Found uni students either had pro or bad views on drugs. Students with internal locus of control conformed less to pro drugs. However, Twenge did meta anaylse of obedience and found people are more resistant and external locus of control.
  • What is minority influence?
    Where a small number of people change the opinion of a larger group.
  • What are the 3 needs for minority influence?
    • Consistancy
    • Flexiblity
    • Commitment
  • What is consistancy in minority influence?
    Minority is seen to be confident.
  • What is flexibility in minority influence?
    Minority must adapt to consider the larger group.
  • How does Nemeth support flexibility in minority influence?
    Used a mock jury and each group had 1 confederate. When they were flexiable views changed.
  • What is Commitment in minority influence?
    Minority is willing to make sacrifice.
  • How does Moscovici support Commitment in minority influence?
    Participants viewed blue slides and asked if it was blue or green. Each group had 2 confederates who said green on 2/3 trails. They found 32% of participants agreed atleast once. However, we can not generalise as only 172 females used.
  • What is Social change?
    A whole society adopts a new view.
  • What are the 6 steps of social change?
    • Draw attention
    • Consistancy
    • Deeper processing
    • Augementation princible
    • Snowball effect
    • Social Crytoamnesia
  • What is deeper processing in social change?

    Find a way for society to understand.
  • What is Augmentation princible in social change?
    Fight for the cause.
  • What is the Snowball effect in social change?
    AS more people change, minority becomes majority.
  • What is Social Cryptoamnesia in social change?
    Societ dont know how change occurred.
  • How does Goldstein support social change?

    Field study to investigate towel reuse in hotels.
    1. help save environment
    2. help save resources for future genorations
    3. join fellow citizens in helping save the environment
    Found condition 3 increased reuse by 34%. However, their are individual differences and issues with field studies.
  • How does Milgram support social change?

    In varation study obedience fell to 10% with disobedient role models. However, his study had a poor methodology.