
    Subdecks (10)

    Cards (702)

    • What are strengths of Matched Pairs?
      No order effects
      Controls individual differences
    • What are limititations of Repeated Measures?

      Order effects
      Boredom effects
      Demand characteristics
    • What are limitations of Independent Groups?
      Individual differences
      More people required
    • What are limitations of Matched Pairs?
      Time consuming
      DIfficult to match exactly
      Requires more participants
    • How do we Counter Balence?

      Half participants do C1 and other C2. Participants dont talk to each other and then complete the other condition.
    • What are Order effects?
      The order conditions are completed can influence outcomes eg. practice
    • What are Boredom effects?

      Participants may give up and do worse in later activities
    • What are damand characteristics?

      Participants may change the way they act due to them trying to guess the aim
    • What is Operational definition?
      Clearly describing the IV and DV variable on how they will be manipulated and measured.
    • Why do we operationalise?
      Makes the experiment more replicable
    • What are co-variables?
      Variables no controlled by the researcher investigated in a correlation
    • What is a Likert Scale?

      Tool to measure opinions, behaviours and attitudes
    • What are confounding Variables?
      Variables that influence the DV happens more in one condition than another
    • What are extraneous variables?

      Variables that if are not controlled will effect the DV
    • What are control variables?

      Things you keep the same
    • What are participant variables?

      Individual difference between the participants
    • What are situational variables?

      Factors in the environment that can influence behaviours
    • What is Standardisation?

      Keeping everything but the IV the same
    • What are investigator effects?
      Researchers behaviours may impact results
    • How can we limit investigator effects?

      Double blind
    • What is Social desirablity bias?

      Participants change how they respond to seem socially acceptable
    • What experimental designs have random allocation?

      Matched pairs and independant measures
    • What is an observation?
      Participants are watched and what they do or say is recorded.
    • What do observations never have?
      IV or DV
    • What is a Naturalistic observation?
      Observation is in a natural environment
    • What is a Controlled observation?

      Environment is controlled by the researcher
    • What is a structured observation?

      Observation using bahavioural catagories or event / time sampling
    • What is an unstructured observation?

      Observer records everything they see
    • What is a participant observation?

      Observer joins in the activity
    • What is a non participant observation?

      Observer does not join in the activity
    • What is a Overt observation?

      Participants are aware they are being observed
    • What is a Covert observation?

      Participants are unaware they are being observed
    • What are behavioural categories?

      Divide target behaviour into subset behaviours which are operationalised
    • What is time sampling?
      Record what happens during set time intervals
    • What is event sampling?

      Record when the observer see it
    • How can we improve observation reliablity?
      Have multiple observers
      Agree on catagories
    • What are self report techniques?

      Methods of collecting data where participants report their own data
    • What are two self report techniques?
    • What is a Questionnaire?
      Set of predetermined questions that participants answer
    • What is a closed question?

      Participants choose their answer from a set of options
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