Cards (18)

  • Narrative Structure - Todorov
    Equilibrium - where life is normal
    Distruption - something occurs to cause a problem which needs solving
    Recognition - characters realise there is a problem
    Repair - the issue gets resolved
    Re-equilibrium - return to a point of balance
  • Barthes five narrative codes
  • What is a structural narrative technique?
    Binary Oppositions
  • What are the difference structures for narratives?
  • What formula does a conventional narrative take?
    A cause and effect formular
    A causes B
  • What formula does a non-linear narrative take?

    They employ flashbacks, flashforwards and ellipses.
  • Vladimir Propp - character narrative theory: includes 8 different character types
    False Hero
    Princess's father
  • What role does the false hero play in the narrative?
    The false hero is percieved as a good character at the start, but then they emerge as evil.
  • What does Levi-Strauss's structuralism theory state?
    States that binary oppositions are key to providing audience pleasure and helping to structure the narrative.
    He says we make sense of the world around us by forming oppositions
  • What are the three key areas to consider in relation to narrative and film?
    Narrative Structure - Syd Field structure, Barthe codes, voglers narrative
    Characters - Vladimir Propp
  • What is Syd Fields three act plot structure?
    Act 1= Setup: in the first ten mintues the audience gain a sense of what the film is going to be about and who the protagonist is
    Act 2= Confrontation: longest act where the protagonist is seen in a number of problem situations
    Act 3= Resolution: the hero will finally take control and will achieve a final, decisive victory.
  • What is the action code?
    The indications that something else is going to happen
  • What is the enigma code?
    Writer deliberately withholds information to leave a plot point unexplained
  • What is the semantic code?

    Parts within the text that give additional meaning through connotations e.g. bond wearing tuxedos to connote sophistication
  • What is the symbolic code?
    Thematic or structural devices, e.g. objects that connote information about the characters / film
  • What is the referential code?
    Cultural knowlegde that audience bring to text: the real world / cultural understanding
  • What is Voglers narrative theory?
    The theory of the journey of the archetypal hero.
    1. ordinary world
    2. call to adventure
    3. refusal of the call
    4. meeting the mentor
    5. crossing first threshold
    6. test, allies and enemies
    7. approach to innermost cave
    8. supreme ordeal - hero faces final fear in showdown with nemesis
    9. reward
    10. road back
    11. resurrection
    12. return with elixir
  • What are the four different narrative markers?
    Temporal - when
    Geographical - where
    Generic - which
    Character - who