Group 2 - the alkaline earth metals

Cards (25)

  • trends in group 2: chemical trends
    -2 e- in their outermost shell
    -form ionic compounds
    -donate two outermost so act as reducing agents
    -going down metals become more reactive
  • trends in group 2: ionisation energies
    -1st and 2nd IE decrease down group
    -though nuclear charge increase down, increased shielding and increased atomic radius outweigh
    -more reactive as you go down as it gets easier to remove 2 outer electrons
  • trends in group 2: physical trends
    -going down elements become larger
    -melting point decreases as outer e- get further away from nucleus
    -attraction between nucleus and bonding e- decreases
    -density decreases then increases again after Ca
  • group 2 hydroxides
    -going down solutions formed of group 2 oxides with water becomes more alkaline
    -when oxides are dissolved in water -->
    O2-(aq) + H2O(l) ----> 2OH-(aq)
    -higher conc of OH- more alkaline soln

    least Mg(OH)2
    most Ba(OH)2
  • Group 2 sulphates
    -solubility of sulphates decreases going down group

    most MgSO4
    least BaSO4
  • reactions of group 2: Be
    oxygen - reluctant to burn, white flame
    water - no reaction
  • reactions of group 2: Mg
    oxygen - burns easily, bright white flame
    water - vigorous reaction with steam no reaction with cold
  • reactions of group 2: Ca
    oxygen - difficult to ignite, red flame
    water - reacts moderately, hydroxide formed
  • reactions of group 2: Sr
    oxygen - difficult to ignite, red flame
    water - reacts rapidly, hydroxide formed
  • reactions of group 2: Ba
    oxygen - difficult to ignite, green flame
    water - reacts vigorously, hydroxide formed
  • group 2 and water
    M(s) + 2H2O(l) -> M(OH)2(s) + H2(g)
  • group 2 and acid
    -form colourless solutions of metal salts
    -dilute HCl - M (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)
    -d. H2SO4 - M (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → MSO4 (aq) + H2 (g)
  • group 2 oxides and water: BeO
    BeO(s) + H2O(l) ---> Be(OH)2(aq)
  • group 2 oxides and water: MgO
    MgO(s) + H2O(l) ---> Mg(OH)2(aq)
    -MgO is only slightly soluble therefore a weakly alkaline soln is formed pH10
  • group 2 oxides and water: CaO
    CaO(s) + H2O(l) ---> Ca(OH)2(aq)
    -vigorous reaction releases lots of energy which causes some water to boil off as the CaO solid lumo seems to expand and crack open pH11
  • group 2 oxides and water: SrO
    SrO(s) + H2O(l) ---> Sr(OH)2(aq)
  • group 2 oxides and water: BaO
    BaO(s) + H2O(l) ---> Ba(OH)2(aq)
  • uses of group 2 elements
    -commonly used in agriculture
    -limestone - impure CaCo3
    -quicklime - CaO, formed by thermal decom of CaCO3
    -slaked lime - Ca(OH)2 formed when water added to quicklime
    -used to raise pH of soil
    -CaCO3 more commonly used because cheaper and safer to handle
  • solubility of hydroxides
    -solubilities mean that compounds have different uses
    -solubility increases down the group
    -Mg(OH)2 is least soluble
    -Ba(OH)2 is the most soluble
  • Magnesium Hydroxide uses
    -Mg(OH)2 is the least soluble
    -can be used as antacid as it is alkaline and neutralise acids
    -can be similarly used in agriculture to neutralise acidic soils
  • solubility of sulfates
    -solubility decreases down group
    -MgSO4 is the most soluble
    -BaSO4 is the least soluble
  • Barium Sulfate uses
    -its insolubility means its useful in medicine as barium meals
    -barium meals are a form of medical tracer that allows internal tissues and organs to be imaged
    -BaSO4 is toxic if it enters the blood stream but because its insoluble, it cannot be absorbed - therefore safe to use
  • Metal Extraction
    -magnesium is used in extraction of titanium from titanium chloride via displacement reaction
    TiCl4 + 2Mg -------> 2MgCl2 + Ti
  • Reactivity of group 2
    -increased shielding down group makes outer electrons easier to lose
    -reactivity increases down group
  • melting points of group 2
    -elements are metallic meaning the larger the ion, the weaker the attractive force as the force has to act over a greater distance
    -melting point decreases down group