Glycation: non-enzymatic glycosylation of proteins
Glucose reacts with proteins, forming covalent bonds and therefore destroying their functionality
The rate of glucose destroying proteins is directly proportional to glucose concentration
Glycation still occurs at 5mM
HbA1c refers to the glycation of haemoglobin, which is an indicator of blood glucose concentrations over the last 3 months
Tolerant glucose response
Basal level around 5mM
Roughly two hours required to return to basal level after eating
Intolerant glucose response
Normal fasting glucose
More exposure to high BG between meals
Diabetic glucose response
Hyperglycaemia while fasting
Relentless exposure to high BG
Alpha cells secrete glucagon when [glucose] < 4.5mM
Beta cells secrete insulin when [glucose] > 5mM
Insulin stimulates the uptake and disposal of glucose
Amino acids also stimulate insulin secretion
Tolerant, insulin resistant
Normal BG homeostasis is achieved but this requires more insulin
Secreting large amounts of insulin but this is not enough to overcome resistance
Constant hyperglycemia
Type 2 diabetes
Beta cells are worn out from constantly secreting insulin
Beta cells can no longer secrete large amounts of insulin
Starch is the main source of dietary carbohydrate
Starch is a polymer of glucose
What are the two main forms of starch?
Amylose and amylopectin
Why is amylose harder to digest than amylopectin?
It is long and densely packed, meaning that it is harder for amylases to penetrate
The glycemic index (GI) describes the post-prandial glucose response
GI is given by the area under the test food curve divided by area under the reference curve
The liver is the initial filter of glucose as blood comes in the hepatic portal vein
How is 'activated glucose' formed in muscle for glycogenesis?
After trapping and isomerisation, G1P is reacted with UTP leaving UDP bound to the glucose
UDP glucose is added to the non-reducing end of glycogen to create a chain
ATP is used during glycogen synthesis to:
Activate glucose
Convert UDP back into UTP
Branching enzyme adds branches to the glycogen chain
How does branching enzyme add branches?
cleaves them from the long chain and then re-joining them parallel
Glycogen synthase is regulated by reversible phosphorylation
glycogen synthase is active when dephosphorylated
Dephosphorylation of glycogen synthase is catalysed by protein phosphatase I
Phosphorylation of glycogen synthase is catalysed by glycogen synthase kinase
Insulin stimulates PPI
Why does glycogenesis require glycolysis?
Glycogenesis creates an energy charge demand, stimulating PFK
The liver has glucokinase, which is a specialised form of hexokinase
a rise in [G6P] caused by glucokinase activates glycogen synthase without the need for insulin
In the liver, glycogenesis responds to blood glucose without the need of insulin (thanks to glucokinase), however insulin will stimulate glycogen synthase further
In the muscle [G6P] never gets high enough to stimulate glycogen synthase, so insulin is required to stimulate glycogen synthase