
Subdecks (2)

Cards (275)

  • Tourism
    omprises theactivities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for notmore than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes
  • Industry
    relates directly to suppliers
  • Industry
    set of all firms making the same product
  • 3 Main Industry
    - generate demand
    -provide products & services to meet this demand
    -seen as an individual actor
  • Government
    seen as an individual actor
  • Tourism Industry
    term to describe firms & establishment providing facilities and services for tourist
  • Tourism Industry

    the range of business and organizations involved in delivering tourism product
  • demand side
    includes all the things they do during their travel .
  • supply side
    sum of all t he industries which provide all t he products and services which make directly and indirectly help tourists
  • demand side
    sum of all the products and services consumed
  • services
    processes consisting of activities or series of activities rather than things
  • Complex Product
    there is input from various service suppliers into the total tourism
  • Complex Industry
    characterized by a number of different suppliers and tourists themselves often have little understanding of the different roles performed by each
  • Fragmented Industry

    characterized by a proliferation of small companies spread over vast geographical areas
  • Perishability
    inability to store the product for sale at a later date
  • Variability
    product high in human contact
  • Variability
    relies on human interaction between user and provider staf
  • Intangibility
    cannot be inspected by human senses at the point of sale
  • characteristics of service marketing
    Perishability, Variability, Inseparability and Intangibility
  • Tourism Industry Sectors

    Attractions and Entertainment• Transportation• Accommodation• Food and Beverage• Travel and Trade
  • Physical Motivator
    elated to individual's physical rest like relaxation in aform of indulging in health spa
  • Cultural Motivator
    form of acquiring new knowledge about different culture, traditions, beliefs and way of life of other people
  • Interpersonal Motivator
    individual's desire to meet newpeople, visit friend and relatives and gain new experiences
  • Status and Prestige Motivators
    focused on one's desire to travel for status and esteem purpose
  • Physiological Needs
    must have a look for a place to spend a night
  • Safety Needs
    Having security cameras and medical facilities at the certaindestination.
  • Belongingness& Love Needs
    Visiting Friends and Relatives some of the reasons why people travel
  • Esteem Needs
    desire to have status, success and self-respect
  • Self- Actualization
    This is the highest level of needs.
  • Self- Actualization
    Example traveling forunderstanding culture and language or for education.