What is the evaluation of Physiological response to stress?
. Research into the stress response may reflect a male bias.
. Taylor (2000) suggests that for females behavioural responses to stress are characterised by a 'tend and befriend' response.
. During our evolutionary past this included protecting young and forming alliances with other women.
. Therefore women may have a totally different system for coping with stress because their response evolved in terms of being a primary caregiver for children, fleeing too quickly would put her offspring at risk.
. The physical responses linked to fight or flight may be adaptive for a stress response that needs energetic behaviour e.g., fleeing from a lion.
. However, the stressors of modern life rarely require such levels of physical activity e.g., worrying about exams.
. The problem arises when the stress response is repeatedly activated.
. E.G., the increased BP can lead to physical damage in blood vessels and eventually heart disease.
. Similarly, although Cortisol may help the body in fighting viral infection/healing damaged tissue, too much Cortisol suppresses the immune system.
. Lazarus (1999) argued that the physiological stress response was not inevitable, it depends on how the stressor is perceived, which determines how the body responds.
. Lazarus and Folkman (1984) developed the transactional model, realising that cognitive appraisal was key, perceived demands and perceived ability to cope.
. The emphasis is on what the individual thinks (cognitive), which moderates the way the individual responds to a stressor...
. Speisman et al (1964) asked students to watch a primitive & gruesome medical procedure on film while their heart rates were measured. Changes to their heart rate depended on how the students