Protein Synthesis

Cards (8)

  • Protein Synthesis
    A) Transcription
    B) Translation
    C) Transcription
    D) mRNA
    E) DNA
    F) Ribosome
    G) Protein
    H) Replication
    I) RNA
    J) Protein
    K) 1
    L) DNA
    M) RNA
    N) Protein
  • Transcription Diagram
    A) mRNA
    B) receptor protein
    C) ER membrane
    D) enzyme
    E) signal sequence
    F) polypeptide
    G) endoplasmic reticulum
    H) width
    I) ER
    J) Ribosome
    K) endoplasmic reticulum
  • Transcription Diagram
    A) DNA Helicase
    B) hydrogen
    C) nucleotide
    D) mRNA
    E) mRNA
    F) reference
    G) RNA
    H) polymerase
    I) mRNA
    J) mRNA
    K) Phosphodiester
    L) backbone bonds
  • Protein Synthesis, 2 main steps:
    • Transcription: Transfer coded information from nucleus to cytoplasm)
    • Translation: Conversion of information into polypeptides on ribosomes
    • Both use RNA
  • Transcription
    • RNA-polymerase attaches to DNA region at start codon (methionine, UAG)
    • Length, for 1 gene, unwinds, catalysed by DNA helicase
    • Strands separate, h bonds break
    • One (coding) strand act as mRNA template
    • Ribonucleotides line up to complementary bases on template, joined by phosphodiester bonds catalysed by RNA polymerase
    • mRNA detaches and leaves through nuclear pore into cytoplasm
    • Before leaving nucleus, 1 guanine is added to 5’ end called cap (promotes translation)
    • 100 adenines added to 3' end; poly-A tail (signal for mRNA export and protection from enzyme action)
  • Introns
    • ”Interruptions”
    • Non-coding regions in eukaryotic cells 
    • Removed from mRNA by enzyme action, after cap and tail have been added but before it leaves nucleus
  • Translation
    • mRNA attaches to ribosomes at binding site (groove)
    • Two tRNA molecules held in position on ribosome at once
    • Anticodons on tRNA molecules bind to complementary codons on mRNA
    • Held by temporary h-bonds
    • First codon on mRNA, start codon, is AUG (methionine)
    • Ribosomes move along mRNA
    • Read codons
    • Translate into AA sequence; 15/sec added to polypeptide chain
    • Energy from breaking bonds between tRNA and AA form peptide bonds between AAs
    • Translation stops when ribosome reaches stop codon
    • No complementary tRNA
    • Polypeptide breaks away and folds
  • After Translation
    • Completed polypeptides pass to cisternae of RER
    • Budded into RER vesicles
    • Pass to Golgi; modified to form functional proteins, packaged into Golgi vesicles
    • Many ribosomes (polysome) may become attached to same mRNA moving along in sequence to produce multiple of same polypeptide chain