Economies of Scale

Cards (8)

  • are derived from incremental efficiency improvements through experience as a firm grows larger
    economies of scale
  • the cost of producing each unit declines as the quantity of a product produced during a given period increases
    economies of scale
  • A new entrant is unlikely to quickly generate the level of demand for its product that in turn would allow it to develop economies of scale.
  • Economies of scale can be developed in most business functions, such as marketing, manufacturing, research and development, and purchasing.
  • Firms sometimes form strategic alliances or joint ventures to gain scale economies.
  • Becoming more flexible in terms of being able to meet shifts in customer demand is another benefit for an existing company in an industry and a possible entry barrier for the firms considering entering the industry.
  • Some competitive conditions reduce the ability of economies of scale to create an entry barrier such as the use of scale free resources.
  • Companies manufacturing customized products can respond quickly to customers’ needs in lieu of developing scale economies.