Cards (23)

  • The Ottawa Charter was first introduced in November of 1986
  • The Ottawa Charter serves as a guiding framework for health promotion initiatives such as the NTC and their accompanying strategies
  • NTC campaign strategies
    1. Focus on education and raising awareness of the harmful effects of tobacco use on health
    2. Provide information and resources, access to counselling services, and other tools to help individuals resist tobacco use and quit smoking
    3. Conduct support services such as workshops, seminars, television advertisements, and social media to educate the public about the dangers of smoking and provide resources to help smokers quit
  • NTC initiatives to create smoke-free environments
    1. Employ methods to reduce tobacco availability and restrict smoking in public places
    2. Implement tobacco display bans
    3. Work with local governments to implement smoke-free laws in public places, workplaces, and hospitality venues
  • NTC initiatives for smoke-free environments
    • Tobacco display bans
    • Smoke-free laws in public places, workplaces, and hospitality venues
  • NTC engagement with communities
    1. Motivate and lead anti-tobacco communities
    2. Engage communities of workplaces, schools, and support groups to mobilise collective action against tobacco use
    3. Fund community-based quit smoking programs
    4. Facilitate partnerships with community groups, schools, and healthcare providers to organise anti-smoking events, awareness campaigns, and programs to prevent smoking among diverse populations
  • NTC strategy for reorienting health services towards tobacco control
    1. Integrate tobacco control services into existing healthcare systems
    2. Incorporate tobacco control messages and initiatives into broader health promotion programs
    3. Train healthcare professionals to provide brief cessation counselling and screen patients for tobacco use
  • NTC contribution to building healthy public policy
    1. Support the establishment of policies that discourage tobacco use, promote smoke-free lifestyles, and protect the public from the harms associated with tobacco consumption
    2. Advocate for evidence-based tobacco control policies at national, state, and local levels
    3. Support policies such as tobacco taxation, smoke-free laws, and restrictions on tobacco advertising and promotion
  • The NTC effectively utilises the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion to address the issue of tobacco control
  • The NTC demonstrates its commitment to promoting public health and reducing tobacco use through comprehensive strategies aligned with each of the five action areas of the Ottawa Charter
  • The NTC's campaign effectiveness is demonstrated by addressing each action area of the Charter to promote health and reduce the burden of tobacco-related diseases on individuals and communities
  • NTC relies on Ottawa Charter
  • NTC introduced
    November 1986
  • Ottawa Charter
    Framework for health promotion, especially tobacco control
  • NTC Strategies come from five action areas
    • Address issues of tobacco use + effects on public health
  • B1 - DPS (Developing Personal Skills)

    1. Personal skill strategies focus on education + awareness
    2. Provision of info, resources, counselling service + other tools
    3. Develop personal skills → resist/prevent tobacco use = quit smoking = reduction of smoking rates
    4. Support services → workshops, seminars, TV ads, social media = educate on dangers of smoking + provide resource e.g quitline + online support groups
    5. Creates control over health
  • B2 - CSE (Creating Supportive Environments)
    1. Create environments → discourage tobacco use + promote smoke - free spaces
    2. Tobacco display bans → reduce impulse purchases + work with local govt = implement smoke free laws in public places
    3. Support/encourage smoke free lifestyles
    4. Prevent tobacco exposure (first + second hand)
  • B3 - SCA (Strengthening Community Action)

    1. NTC → source of strengthening + leader of anti-smoking communities → engages communities (schools, workplaces + support groups)
    2. Mobilise collective action against tobacco use
    3. NTC $$$ community quit smoking programs → offer support, resources, counselling
    4. E.g. collab/partner with community groups, schools, healthcare providers organise events, awareness campaigns + programs smoking prevention → diverse populations/ communities
  • B4 - RHS (Reorienting Health Services)

    1. NTC reorienting health services → tobacco control
    2. = reduction smoking rates + improving public health outcomes
    3. Integrate tobacco control service → existing healthcare system
    4. Incorporate tobacco control messages + initiatives → broader health promo programs
    5. Training of healthcare profsbrief cessation counselling + screening
    6. Reorientation = address smoking public health issue
  • B5 - BHPP (Building Healthy Public Policy)

    1. NTCs work/supports establishment of healthy public policy
    2. Sustain creation of environments
    3. Discourage tobacco use
    4. Promote smoke free lifestyles
    5. Advocacy NTC = support implementation of evidence-based tobacco control policies → national, state, local
    6. E.g. tobacco taxation, smoke free laws, tobacco ad restricts → protect public from smoking + addiction + harm
  • NTC → effectively utilises Ottawa Charter → addressing issue = tobacco control
  • Strategies aligned with five action areas → demonstrates commitment to promoting public health + reduce tobacco use
  • NTC addressing each action area = promoting health effectiveness + reducing burden of tobacco use-related issues → health + economic