Cards (8)

  • Definition of theft from S.1 Theft Act 1968

    ' Dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another with intention to permanently deprive '
  • Stage 1 - Appropriation
    Contained in S.3 of act
    • ' any assumption of the rights of the owner ' e.g possess, use, keep, dispose of
    • appropriation is needed for theft but not all appropriation is theft
  • Stage 1 - Appropriation cases
    Lawrence; Gomez - appropriation even where owner consented to transfer of property
    Morris - appropriation where there was no consent, doesn't have to assume all rights
    Atakpu - appropriation has a beginning and end, it can be a continuing act
    Hinks - appropriation even if received by gift
    Pitham and Hehl - D doesn't have to have physical contact with property
  • Stage 2 - Property
    Contained in S.4 of act
    • ' money and all other property, whether real or personal, including things in action and other tangible property '
    money = banknotes, coins
    personal = moveable property e.g. bags, phones ( Kelly and Lindsay )
    real = land and things attached to land
    Wild animals cannot be stolen unless ' reduced into possession '
    Wild plants cannot be stolen unless for commercial gain
    things in action = money in a bank account
    intangible = property with no physical presence
    Confidential information cannot be stolen ( Oxford V Moss )
  • Stage 3 - Belonging to another
    Contained in S.5 (1) of act
    • property (is) having possession or control of it, or having in it any proprietary right or interest " (Turner No.2)
    Contained in S.5 (3) of act
    • ' Receives property from another under obligation to deal with property in a specific way, the BTA ' (Davidge V Bunnett)
    Contained in S.5 (4) of act
    • ' receives property by mistake they are under obligation to make restoration ' (AG's Ref No 1 of 1983)
    • If property is lost the original owner remains the owner, abandoned it will no longer BTA
  • Stage 4 - Dishonesty
    • S.2 (1) (a) to (c) gives 3 situations where the D would not be dishonest providing they honestly believed that this was the case
    Small = doesn't matter if unreasonable belief, providing it's a genuine belief
    S.2(1)(a): The D honestly believes that he has the right to deprive the other of it
    S.2(1)(b): The D honestly believes that he would have the other’s consent if other knew of the appropriation + the circumstances
    S.2(1)(c): The D honestly believes that the person who the property belongs to cannot be discovered by taking reasonable steps
  • Stage 4 - Dishonesty
    If jury aren't satisfied that any situations apply the judge will advise them to consider the Ivey Test (Ivey V Genting Casinos)
    They must be satisfied that the D's conduct would be regarded as being dishonest according to the ordinary standards of the honest and reasonable people
    This is an objective test
  • Stage 5 - Intention to permanently deprive
    This is generally straightforward.(Velumyl)
    When it isn’t clear, S.6 states IPD is when: 
    • They treat the thing as his own to dispose of. ‘Dispose of’ means get rid of - dumping or selling.
    • Lavender = “dispose of” also means ‘dealing with’. 
    • Borrowing or lending may be equivalent to an outright taking when… ‘the goodness, the virtue, the practical value…has gone out of the article’ (Lloyd)
    Conditional intent is not sufficient for theft (Easom). If someone was to root through a bag but find nothing of value worth stealing, this is not theft.