
Cards (18)

  • How does Philosophy define man’s relationship with the environment?
    1. Environmental Philosophy
    2. Anthropocentrism
    3. Deep Ecology
    4. Gaia Hypothesis
  • Environmental Philosophy
    The branch of Philosophy concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place within it
  • Anthropocentrism
    The belief that humans are the central and most significant species on the planet
  • Deep Ecology
    Sees the natural world as being maintained by the interrelationship among living organisms. Every living organism is dependent on each other for survival
  • Gaia Hypothesis
    Believes that the living and non-living components of the planet interact to maintain balance and enable life to continue on Earth
  • How do Philosophical views influence environmental actions?
    1. Environmental Ethics
    2. Social Ecology
    3. Climate Ethics and Climate Justice
    4. Environmental Justice
    5. Environmental Aesthetics
  • Environmental Ethics
    All non-humans have value and should be preserved. The preservation of the environment is beneficial to humans. Man has the responsibility to safeguard the planet
  • Social Ecology
    Ecological and ethical approach in analyzing society, seeing social problems and environmental problems
  • Climate Ethics and Climate Justice
    • The growing concern about climate change inspired a number of views such as considering climate change as a significant issue
  • Environmental Justice
    • Refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens
  • Environmental Aesthetics
    • Discuss concepts of beauty in nature. Maintaining the order and balance in the environment
  • Significant Developments in Environmentalism
    • Signing of Kyoto Protocol
    • Earth Day, 1970 up to present
  • Man has the responsibility to safeguard the planet
  • Environmentalism become an important issue in international politics
  • environmentalism action dedicated to protect mother nature
  • Signing of Kyoto protocol - reducing green house gases production, requires any movement , self activity
  • Earth Day - April 22
  • Earth Day - 1 hour activity that talks about cutting electricity