How does Philosophy define man’s relationship with the environment?
1. EnvironmentalPhilosophy
2. Anthropocentrism
3. DeepEcology
4. GaiaHypothesis
Environmental Philosophy
The branch of Philosophy concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place within it
The belief that humans are the central and mostsignificant species on the planet
Deep Ecology
Sees the natural world as being maintained by the interrelationship among livingorganisms. Every living organism is dependent on each other for survival
Gaia Hypothesis
Believes that the living and non-living components of the planet interact to maintain balance and enable life to continue on Earth
How do Philosophical views influence environmental actions?
1. EnvironmentalEthics
2. SocialEcology
3. Climate Ethics and Climate Justice
4. Environmental Justice
5. Environmental Aesthetics
All non-humans have value and should be preserved. The preservation of the environment is beneficial to humans. Man has the responsibility to safeguard the planet
Social Ecology
Ecological and ethical approach in analyzingsociety, seeing social problems and environmental problems
Climate Ethics and Climate Justice
The growing concern about climate change inspired a number of views such as considering climate change as a significant issue
Environmental Justice
Refers to the fair distribution of environmental benefits and burdens
Environmental Aesthetics
Discuss concepts of beauty in nature. Maintaining the order and balance in the environment
Significant Developments in Environmentalism
Signing of Kyoto Protocol
Earth Day, 1970 up to present
Man has the responsibility to safeguard the planet
Environmentalism become an important issue in international politics
environmentalism action dedicated to protect mother nature
Signing of Kyotoprotocol - reducing greenhouse gases production, requires any movement , self activity
Earth Day - April 22
Earth Day - 1 hour activity that talks about cutting electricity