Cards (21)

  • Bryophytes include three groups:
    1. mosses
    2. liverworts
    3. hornworts
  • Mosses grow in cool, moist, shady environments
  • The gametophyte generation is the dominant generation- represented by the adult moss plant
  • Adult Moss Plant- gametophyte and sporophyte
  • The plant body is known as a thallus: does not have true roots, stems and leaves
  • The plant body has a leaf-like structure, stem-like structure and rhizoids
  • The rhizoids anchor the moss plant firmly in the soil and absorb water and mineral salts
  • Leaf-like structures are called leaves or fronds; they photosynthesize
  • Stem-like structures are called setae; they support the leaves above ground level
  • Vascular Tissue (xylem and phloem) are absent in Bryophytes
  • Gametes (ova and sperm) are produced in male and female sex organs of the gametophyte
  • In sexual production, the sperm requires water to move to the ovum for fertilisation to occur
  • Fertilisation is dependent of water
  • After fertilisation has occurred a zygote is formed- the beginning of the sporophyte generation
  • The sporophyte develops on the gametophyte and is dependent on it
  • The sporophyte consists of a foot part, anchored in the gametophyte, a seta which bears a capsule known as the sporangium
  • The sporangium is covered with a cap, the calyptra
  • The spores form in the sporangium, it eventually dries out and releases the spores
  • The spores are dispersed by the wind and germinate in damp soil. A new plant- representing the gametophyte generation develops
  • Moss plants do no produce seeds and fruit
  • Life Cycle of Bryophytes
    A) water depend