Brief history of cognitive psychology
1. Sensory memory → STM → LTM
2. Information processing perspective
3. 1970s: dominant approach in cognitive psychology
4. Strict ordering – 1 system = 1 info
5. Assumes that info in environment is processed mentally by different systems, each system handles different info. Info is transformed before being passed to the next system.
6. Serial processing – in order, one process completed before the next begins
7. Currently viewed as a limiting idea
8. Atkinson & Shiffrin (1968) - Info passing through different memory stores
9. Sensory inputs: visual, audio → sensory memory
11. Rehearsal to keep in (maintain) memory → LTM stable
12. Limitations: strictly serial, no possibility of parallel processing (multiple boxes can be activated at the same time)
13. Historical precursors to cognitive psychology