-->Assimilation: policies in the 1960s and 70s focused on the need for pupils from minority ethnic groups to assimilate into mainstream British culture as a way of raising their achievement.
-->However, critics argue that some minority groups who are at risk of underachieving such as Caribbean pupils, already speak english and the real cause of underachievement is poverty or racism.
-->Multicultural education policies through the 80s and 90s aimed to promote achievements of pupils from minority ethnic groups.
-->However, MCE has been criticised through:
-Maureen Stone(1981) argues that black pupils don't fail for lack of self-esteem, so MCE is misguided
-Critical race theorists argue that MCE is mere tokenism. It picks out stereotypical features of minority cultures for inclusion in the curriculum.
-->Social Inclusion of pupils from minority ethnic groups and policies to raise their achievement became the focus in the 90s. These include:
-Detailed monitoring of exam results by ethnicity
-English as an Additional Language programmes
-->However, Heidi Mirza(2005) sees little change in policy. She argues that instead of tackling the structural causes of ethnic inequality such as poverty and racism.