To look up means to searchforinformation. For example: she lookedup the recipe online before attempting to bake the cake
Brake down means to stopfunctioningorfailsuddenly. For example my car brokedown on my way out of town.
Get off means to leaveorexistfromavehicleortransportation. But get out if you have to climbout. So you get off the bus and plane but you get out of a car or taxi.
To shoot off means to movequicklyorsuddenly. for example as soon as the build rank the children shot off towards the playground.
To be at odds with someone is whentherearedisagreementsbetweentwopeople, groupsorcountries. For example he was always atoddswith his brother over their inheritance.
To come across something means to findorencounter a person or somethingunexpectedly. For example while walking through the park I cameacross an old friend who I hadn't seen in years.
To get on with something means to continuewiththetaskoractivity especially afteraninterruptionordifficulty. For example: right that's enough is TV time to geton with your homework.
To go against somebody means to opposethem. For example she wentagainst her parents wishes and moved abroad
To make up one's mind means to decidewhattodoaboutsomething. For example I can'tmakeup my mind whether to buy this dress or not.
To put aside means to save moneyforfuture use. For example they had been puttingaside some money every month so they could afford to travel around Europe.
To go downhill means to becomeworse. For example since my father died our family has been going downhill fast.
To go off means to explode. For example the bomb wentoff just as we were leaving the building.
To knock over means to accidentallycausesomethingtofailortip over. for example the strong wind knockedover many of the newly planted trees in the park.
To whip up means to quicklyandaskillfullypreparessomethingusuallyfood. For example my mom used to whip p the most delicious pasta in just a few minutes.
To turn down means to reject an offer, request or an opportunity. For example unfortunately we've had to turn down unfortunately we've had to turn down several incredible job applications due to the budget constraints.
To dust off means to reviveusesth, neglected r forgotten. For example alley decided to dustoff his old guitar and play it again.
To tell off means to scoldorreprimandsomeoneforthebehaviororactions. For example we sat in silence as Mr Lee told us off for talking during the lecture.
To faff about means to raise timeorengageinonproductive activities .for example instead of studying for his exam Tom would often faffabout on social media.
To get away with means to escapepunishmentorconsequencesforone'saction. For example he got away with cheating because no one noticed him copying from his friend's paper
.To rub off to have a positiveinfluenceonsomeonecausingthemtoadoptcertainqualities. For example here Enthusiasm for volunteering began to rub off on her friends, inspiring them to join too
To go by means to pass or elapse . For example the years seemed to goby quickly as she watched her kids grow up.
To cut back on something means to reducesomething for example I need to cut back on the amount of money I spent on takeaways.
To call off means to cancelorterminateandeventplanoractivity. for example due to bad weather they had to calloff the outdoor picnic and we schedule it for next week.
Binge watch means to means to watchmoviesandseriesuninterruptedly for a long period of time.
To advocate means to publiclysupportorrecommend a particularpolicy or action. For example the celebrity uses her social Media platform to advocate for more substainable future.
Sustainable mean to be abletobeusedormaintainedindefinitelywithoutdepletingtheresourcesthatareneededtomaintainit
To amplify means to makesomethinglouderorstrongerandtoincreasetheeffectorimpactofsomething. For example the megaphone amplifies the speakers voice and make it easier to hear.
To articulate means to expressorexplainsomethinginaclearandeffectivewayortopronounce words clearlyanddistinctly.for example the public speaker articulated her vision for the future with passion and conviction. Or the language learner is practicing articulating difficult sounds to improve hair pronunciation.
To convey means to communicateorExpresssomethingtoothersoftenamessageorinformation. For example the journalist conveyed the breaking news to the public with accuracy and timeliness.
To corroborate means to confirmorsupportastatement February orfindingevidenceortestimony. For example the scientist cooperate her hypothesis with multiple experiments.
To differentiate means to distinguishorrecognizethedifferencesbetweenthingsorpeople. For example the teacher developed listen plans to help students differentiate between similar concepts.
To dissect means to analyseorexaminesomethingindetailoftenbybreakingitdownintoitscomponentsorparts. The scientists dissect the brain to find out how it works.
To efface - to removesthfromthemindofsomeone, tomakesthdisappear. For example the politician tried efface the scandal from his record with a new campaign.
To elaborate means to addmoredetailorexplanationtosomething. For example i can see you didn't understand so I'm going to elaborate on my point.
To exacerbate is to makeworseormoreserious. Synonyms: aggravate, intensify, worsen. For example the drought exacerbate the water shortage in the region.
To extrapolate means to guessorestimateorforecastsomethingusingwhatyoualreadyknow. for example The Economist extrapolates future trends from current economic indicators.
To facilitate means to makesomethingpossibleeasierormoreconvenienttodo. For example the new technology will facilitate communication among team members. Or the Tutor facilitated the development of her students skill in writing.
To galvanize means to shockorexcitesomeoneintotakingactions. For example the tragic event galvanized the community to come together in support each other.
To integrate means to combineorblendthingstogetherinharmoniousorfunctionalway. For example the new employee is integrating will in the team elements of the building design.
To mitigate means to makesomethinglessharmfullessunpleasantorlessbad. For example the safety measures in place mitigate the risk of Accidents.